Any Experience about Celexa?


Well-known member
About a month ago i finally decided to meet a psychotherapist hopefully. He prescribed me Celexa (Citalopram) which isn't FDA-Approved for SP.
I am using it at a high dosage (about 60mg/day) but i haven't felt better yet and i hesitate to continue it.
Is there anyone who has any experience about it? Please mention dosage and the length of usage.


Well-known member
I was on citalopram for about one year before I stopped taking it. The only thing I noticed is that I gained weight from taking it.


Well-known member
Do you mean it hadn't any effect on your SP after one year usage? What medicine did you switch to?


Well-known member
Hi Ehsan. No, I don't think it did anything for my SP. I noticed that my emotions were somehow suppressed. I couldn't really be happy, and I couldn't cry when I felt sad. I was on Zoloft before that. I think that was where the major weight-gain came from. Zoloft didn't seem to be very helpful, either. Right now I take Trimipramin, but not for the SP. It's to help me be able to sleep at night. But listen, everyone is different in how they react to a certain medicine. Just because it didn't do anything for me doesn't mean it won't be helpful to you.
I just started taking Celexa (Citalopram) today. This is the first drug I've taken to "tackle" my "Accute Anxiety Disorder" and related depression in over five years. I have no idea what to expect, but I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Does exercise and diet help stave off the weight gain, or becuase the drug effects your brain chemistry, are you powerless to stop yourself?
I took Prozac five years ago, but it did nothing but make me sick, so I stoped taking it.
I'm not a big fan of drugs, but right now I'm desperate.