Any else here get home schooled?


Well-known member
isn't it lonely?

i'm getting really sick of it and it's only my first year, I don't know how some people can get home schooled for so long.


Brittany can I ask you where are you that you are being home schooled?
I am in Australia and very interested in this. I taught home schooling for a year, mainly to give the mother a break as she had 9 children. I taught 6 of these.
Out west we had school of the air which is very similar to home schooling.
I would appreciate your opinions.


Well-known member
MYALL said:
Brittany can I ask you where are you that you are being home schooled?
I am in Australia and very interested in this. I taught home schooling for a year, mainly to give the mother a break as she had 9 children. I taught 6 of these.
Out west we had school of the air which is very similar to home schooling.
I would appreciate your opinions.

Hey, well I live in the States in Florida..ldfdgdf
:( sorry i don't understand the question. :oops:


This is my first year being home schooled, too.
I had to beg to be home does get lonely, but I can deal with it better than I could with "normal school".

I just wish at least one of my old 'friends' would have kept in contact with me. :?


Well-known member
Hiii. I'm homeschooled too but I'm failing so bad. I take online school- FLVS. Florida Virtual School. It sucks cus your teachers call you every month and I get so freaked out about talking to someone I don't even know what they look like. Screw this shit. I'm dropping out when I'm 16....


Well-known member
I was kinda homeschooled. And I loved it! I was kinda lonely, but I had the internet, and the tv, and music. haha. It sucked sometimes but it really is better than normal school.


I was home schooled for grades 1-3. I really feel that this helped contribute to my SA, as I had very little contact with other children (besides my sibs) or people in general until I was nine years old. Trying to suddenly adapt to normal school was very difficult, and my school years were a nightmare.

I would not recommend home schooling after my own experience, at least not unless the child is going to be gauranteed proper socialization through other means.