Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides :))

Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides :))

Hello all.

To introduce myself, I'm a 24 year old male and I've recently concluded that I'm suffering from a case of HH induced anxiety (or anxiety induced HH - chicken or the egg comes first?). Wouldn't necessary consider myself the shy/quiet type but this condition has been seriously inhibiting my life at the moment. I'm constantly thinking about it and even in non-social situations I find myself getting anxious just thinking about it.

Primarily I have an issue with Palmar/Plantar HH but in certain situations this can spread to the face/back etc. Without a doubt this is caused by anxiety thinking about the condition. In fact in certain work situations, say a boardroom where eyes are on me and the pressure is on, I find myself becoming so hungup about not appearing to be anxious/sweating that indeed the cycle starts and the embarassment begins. My hands literally soak. Clearly I remove one factor - the HH or anxiety - and I break the circle. Trying to determine how best to do this is the problem. I'm pissed off spending 80% of my working hours thinking about strategies to cope, anxiety, HH and the associated depression every day. I'm not thinking about much else and it's affecting my enjoyment of life.

I'm guessing Robinul/Avert could be a solution. I remove the risk of sweating, I increase my confidence, reduce my anxiety and can completely forget about this burden on my mind. There are perhaps other, better alternatives from the anxiety end but I'd rather not take mind-altering medication. I remove the HH and I impact the anxiety positively - I'm sure of it.

My questions re Robinul/Aver are:
1) Is this a prescription drug and can I avail of it in Ireland without a prescription? I'm aware it's available at but do they require a prescription? Is it possible to have it sent to Ireland without one? Would there be an issue with Irish customs? Any Irish people who have ordered it I'd especially like to hear from you.

2) Does it affect your mind in anyway? Are you fit to drive, undertake complicated mental tasks while taking it?

3) Can you take alcohol while using it?

and finally....

4) Have an anxiety related HH sufferers found it had an impact on anxiety levels? I'm guessing after a while I could avoid using it in certain situations that I would typically need it in now because of the overall increase in confidence it would give me. Just having it available to me (if I find it effective) could deter alot of nasty anxiety symptoms!

Thanks for listening any info appreciated! :cool:
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Well-known member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

Getting your HH under control can help tremendously with the hh/anxiety cycle. Once I chose my method (Iontopheresis) of treatment I was amazed how much less anxious I became. You are on the right path. Read as much as the back posts as you can.
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

Cheers for that info guys. Yeah it's a bitch of a cycle that needs breaking. Really doing my head in, need to stop becoming obsessed by it and the best way to stop becoming obsessed by it is to break the cycle. You guys that have issues with anxiety inducedd HH, how do you cope or what strategies do you have? CBT etc., might be a good supplmentary for it but in my case I don't think it's sufficient. I just need some weapon to kill one and then the other should die with it! In an ideal world ETS would be risk free and we'd all live happily ever after! :)


Well-known member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

I can fully relate with this. It is a kind of, what came first (chicken/egg) scenario. Mine used to mainly be palmar, although in the past few years I noticed it on my back and for just over a year on my face. On the back was hard to deal with, but I find it very hard to deal with on my face. It's extremely hard to control.


Well-known member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

Can only answer a small bit of what you're seeking. Avert is NOT a prescription drug. (I get it on prescription, but that's so I can claim it on taxes--not necessary.) Get in touch with'll give you good information without your having to order anything, and I'm sure people order it from all over.

For all I know, Robinul, or some generic version of glycopyrrolate, might be more easily available.

Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

Thank you my lovelies I'm getting slightly excited but I'd still rather stay off the oral route, be it Robinul or some anti-anxiety lark! Out of interest, has anyone had success using secure wipes on the hands/face?

Hands are a big issue for me psychologically because they are always the first thing to start sweating and it's the first point in a social situation where I become aware of anxiety and any potential HH problems. It's like I enter a bank, or a pharmacy, or my job or whatever and oh ****, my hands are sweating.....gets me thinking...and bang goes the cycle: heart pounding, tight breath, face getting hot, thinking obscured (only about my symptoms at this point!! sucks if you're in a pressure job situation when all u can think of is sweating!!) feel face getting wet, hands now soaking (please don't ask me to shake hands, please dont ask me to fill a form!!) etc. etc. progressively gets worse and worse until the situation is over. Then what happens? I leave the distressful situation pissed off and angry that that could happen...this may very well then lead to depression. aaarghhh this sucks big time!
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Well-known member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

I have found that keeping my HH under control helpful with certain anxiety, yet even though my hands aren't dripping, anxiety is still present, just different. The point is if you have social anxiety or whatever type you have, it may not magically disappear. Dripping less sure does help though. In the end we are who we are.


Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides


I live in London and I can FULLY relate your "problem". I sweat on my face quite badly but only when I'm nervous, excited, angry basically ANY sort of emotion unless i'm relaxed. It's really killing my social life but I've kind of accepted it recently and just let it happen, if i sweat so what, it's not my problem. Once you develope this attitude the easier it will be to control.

I look up to my uncle as he has the exact same problem and he's marketing director for a mobile network and has 100's of meetings every year, he sweats facial more than I do, if he can live with it so can I.

When I need to look 'cool' I do pop Avert and it DOES work and if I want to control my anxiety I take Propranolol which helps to keep you calm, You can EASILY get propranolol from your doctor.

Good luck :)
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

I've ordered Avert and looking forward to having that one in the arsenal! Was out last night in a pub, decent drowd there but it was actually quite cool in there. Didn't sweat a drop anywhere, was cool as a cucumber. This often happens when I'm relaxed, that is until I remember how easy I can sweat if nervous, anxious etc., and then the cycle usually kicks off again. Relapse. Then I get down for a long time.

Has anybody at all tried the Klima hand spray??? If so do you find it to be effective?
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Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

Cheers for the info guys.

Bleachie may I ask what is your regimen with Avert? How much do you take and when? Any side effects?

Did you ask your doctor about it/to prescribe it or did u just decide to get it yourself?

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Well-known member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

I used Secure wipes for a while--had bad cranio-facial HH. The wipes were OK for face/neck, but I couldn't really "swipe" my head/hair. That's when I moved on to Avert, but first heard of Secure wipes through a young woman who had had very heavy underarm sweating, and found they helped.


New member
Re: Anxierty induced HH & Avert/Robinul availability Ireland (and a couple of asides

My questions re Robinul/Aver are:
1) Is this a prescription drug and can I avail of it in Ireland without a prescription? I'm aware it's available at but do they require a prescription? Is it possible to have it sent to Ireland without one? Would there be an issue with Irish customs? Any Irish people who have ordered it I'd especially like to hear from you.

Hi there,

I just seen your post (& your other one further down where by the looks of it you have now ordered online).

Anyway to answer your query.. Yes I got it on prescription in Ireland when I lived there (in the Midlands) - I got it initially via my GP/Doctor and then the next time the Pharmacy guy ordered it for me..(twice)) - with the last time being at the beginning of 2009.

BEFORE that however I ordered it online via (where I paid!) - but in Ireland with the prescription I got it free (because of my medical card!). You just need to explain it to your Doctor your situation and if they are a good Doc they will try and help, I found most docs/medical folk very helpful in Ireland so I'm sure they will! :)

As you've ordered it (I assume online) since your first post above you will doubt know that there is no problem with Irish Customs - and if I remember correctly I just had to complete some sort of (online) Questionnaire, I think, so no prescription needed.

I then decided to try the 'Doc route' btw as I thought this is going to work out expensive!!

Anyway I hope that helps and more importantly hope the Avert helps! ... (and btw... the brand name I got in Ireland was Glycopyrrolate Tablets USP 1mg - with a 100 in a pot -- (also, for what its worth, on the pot it states PAR Pharmaceutical).
