Antihistamines - My Breakthrough


I’ve been floating around this and other forum’s for some time and never contributed as I hadn’t felt I had anything to offer other than going through my own personal tale of blushing woe (I won’t bore you with that). I’ve tried most drugs and various lotions and potions over the last 11 years but never found anything that worked in the slightest for blushing, until now…

Anyway the other day whilst helping a friend of a friend tidy a flat which is due to be put up for sale, I found a bottle of brand name antihistamines on a table, and impulsively decided to help myself to 4 capsules. At the time I just thought why not, what harm can it do? I planned to try them out later on that day as myself and my missus were going to her sisters house which is notoriously warm and I knew it would be the usual full blown blush fest ( I don’t actually mind doing it there too much as they all just carry on as if nothing ever happened, but it still gets you down a bit doesn’t it!).

So before we drove out there I necked all 4, and only noticed a change once we reached their house (1 hour drive) and got out of the car. I was shattered, and my legs weren’t working properly, but I didn’t say anything and just claimed to be really tired after all the cleaning. When I got inside I couldn’t believe how easy I found it to speak freely with everyone without any hint of a hot face or a blushy feeling! I was super drowsy and could’ve easily fallen asleep anywhere in there but really didn’t care!

The drowsiness gradually reduced and as usual we all got smashed (I drank in the region of a bottle of vodka), and eventually after 5-6 hours I began to blush again, twice it happened and I assumed the effects of the antihistamines had worn off. It coincided with the drowsiness disappearing so this was completely logical to me. The other benefit was that I did not get a hangover the next day in the slightest, which is not normal for me at all. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

I’ve since done a little research on antihistamines and I’m still trying to find out what brand name it was I took. I’m pretty sure they were bought at Tesco by this person at the flat, and I know the drug was called (something) hydrochloride. There are various types of these antihistamines available to buy over the counter, but I will clarify this soon hopefully.

There is a topic on page 5 of this forum index called ‘Questions about antihistamines’ in which ‘theoneandonly’ appears to have had similar experiences. I also notice he has tried a non drowsy type of antihistamine which worked Clarityn (brand name) Loratadine (drug) as did one of the sedating types, Phenergan – promethazine hydrochloride, so I’m going to try these next.

The dosage is the one big issue but I’m planning on testing this out with reasonably high doses (not 4 capsules!), and little doses to do my own test on what works, and for how long. If the non drowsy option can stop me blushing for a certain period of hours then this will no doubt make my life much easier, stress free and enjoyable. I know it’s not a cure, but for me, it’s a potential breakthrough.

I hope this can work for others and would love to hear any similar stories/experiences. I’ll try and keep you all updated on my progress.

P.S. I don’t usually impulsively help myself to bottles of over the counter drugs left lying around on tables! Or drink a whole bottle of vodka to myself, just special occasions! ;)


Well-known member
First of all, we have to be clear on one thing. Are you suffering from flushing or blushing? Those are two very different things in my opinion. As a blusher, there are hardly anything that helps execept anxiety meds, because everyone was born to blush while flushing actually is a medical condition.

Also, I would say it might be the drowsiness more than the antihistamine itself that prevented you from flushing/blushing because if you feel almost drunk or relaxed, you care less and you blush less. Simple as that.

With that said, I don't think you strumbled into a big secret. I have tried Kestine (antihistamine) myself and it did nothing to my blushing. I don't know about flushing though. I cannot flush. I wasn't born with that.


I am a blusher, never flushed once in my entire life. My face goes red for a short period of time in certain situations, almost always involving speaking with people, people asking me a question, being put on the spot, etc. Apologies if I didn't make this clear in my post. I'm a blusher, of that there is no doubt.

I've read about people trying Kestine, but this is only one type of antihistamine among many different drugs. And I see what you're saying about the drowsiness, but it doesn't ring true for me. When I'm drunk at a party I still blush, no matter how relaxed or confident I feel. If I'm out in bars drinking however I'm usually fine. On this occasion I was physically unable to blush for 5-6 hours. You couldn't shut me up, which is not like me usually because of fear of blushing.

Maybe the dosage I took made all the difference, or maybe the type of antihistamine I took was the type that works for me. How much Kestine did you take and did you ever up the dosage? It appears that this maybe a stop-gap measure to prevent me blushing for a period of time, which means I could use it before work, before social gatherings, whenever I feel I need it.

I still intend to test some non-drowsy antihistamines, and I know this one worked for my blushing. And after reading the post on the other forum, it looks like I'm not the only one. I too cannot flush by the way.


Well-known member
I hear you, but I honestly don't think you can "cure" blushing with medicines because everyone is prone to blush. It is just how we are built. You want a drug that make you pale as a ghost and that will provent blood from rushing? I don't think it will happen.

Your blushing is triggered by stress, in social situations. I think the antihistamines made you feel calm in a way that made you believe it was a drug that's working. Belief is a strong thing. Anatomically I just think it's strange how an antihistamine can make you not blush.

Maybe I'm wrong. I sure hope I am. Keep trying it, maybe you HAVE found something. I think everyone is happy that people at least try their way forward.


Active member
SoldierOn, in this thread a regimen of 1000mg of L-methionine and 1000mg of calcium was said to reduce histamine levels in the body and help people with blushing. I have heard other people say histamine might play a role in blushing but I have not come across a cure that works for everyone. If you're interested, Paxil has helped me the most with my blushing. Hope you find something that helps.


Well-known member
If histamine was really the problem, then antihistamines would surely be a miracle drug, wouldn't you think? Is there really something wrong with "normal" blushers (I am not talking about flushers) who just happen to blush more because they developed a phobia for it?

I would say you can't cure blushing physically only mentally because it is a perfectly normal body function.


Active member
If histamine was really the problem, then antihistamines would surely be a miracle drug, wouldn't you think?
I'm not a doctor, but I would think it depends on how the anti-histamine acts in the body. It's conceivable that an anti-histamine could stop one kind of reaction (e.g., allergies) but not another kind of reaction (e.g., blushing). The other thread I linked to tried to lower the amount of histamine in the body so that all reactions involving histamine would have less histamine to work with. I have read of other blushers having partial or total success using anti-histamines or trying to lower the amount of histamine in the body. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a cure for all blushers. Maybe anti-histamines are a cure for one blusher but not for another.

Is there really something wrong with "normal" blushers (I am not talking about flushers) who just happen to blush more because they developed a phobia for it?
I don't think anyone really understands exactly why some of us blush more than others.

I would say you can't cure blushing physically only mentally because it is a perfectly normal body function.
But some people have stopped it through medicine or surgery. I've come across many blushers who believe their social phobia was caused by their blushing, not the other way around. I'm one of them. When Paxil made it so I literally never blushed my anxiety level plummeted.


Well-known member
I have talked to Teleranta regarding EST or whatever the operation is called and he told me the surgery mainly helps for flushing, not so effective for blushing. Goes to show that blushing is a normal reaction. I mean, are you going to walk around all your life all pale in the head and never get read, not even when bending over. It's never going to happen. If you stop being red in the face, you are probably dead.

Personally I think some of us blush more than others because we have a stronger stress reaction. Its in the sympathetic nervous system. And because of it we develope a phobia and it becomes much worse.

So what we need to cure is the acute stress reaction, not the blushing itself.

But keep trying with the antihistamines. Who knows, maybe it works.


Well-known member
Stuckwithme you are wrong here, and if you don't even know the name of ETS you shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.

There is proof that blushing have been "cured" in other ways than mentally - that is by drugs and surgery (some people wont call it "cure" due to side effects). Take myself for example - I will blush sitting by myself at home, if my computer get stuck and I lose my savings in a document. That is not because of mental reasons, but of physical ones.

SoldierOne I look forward to hear about your eventual progress and also about the name of this anti-histamine you helped yourself to. As TubalCain so correctly said, our bodies are different, and what is not relief for one blusher, might be reflief for another.


Well-known member
Please, go ahead and mail Teleranta yourself and ask about ETS. He will be honest and tell you it wont help against blushing because everyone is prone to blush and everyone is born that way. You can never take it away. Maybe you are confusing blushing with flushing. ETS works for flushing, but not for blushing.

Thing is, people who have had ETS still obsess about blushing. They still cannot relax. They fear they are going a bit red when they laugh or whatever. It goes to show how much is in the head. It's a phobia, insecurities.

The drugs that works are mostly antidepressants (which also proves my point) or medicine that makes you more relaxed or calm your sympathetic nervous system (Inderal, Clonidine) which also proves my point.

Most people who suffer from blushing phobia has developed it because something in their lives happened to make them fear it. A situation when they blushed or whatever. This along with the fact that they are easily stressed makes them more prone to blushing.

But I am not going to tell you that you are wrong because I do not know about your situation. But I find it hard to believe that you would be able to cure regular blushing (flushing you could probably cure some day) because its how people are built. Like I said before, the day you wont be able to turn red, is the day you are dead.

But I respect your try outs with antihistamine. Keep it up! I am sure many are thankful.


Well-known member
I have read quite a few posts by you, and you seem never to be wrong about anything, according to your own theories. But here you are.

ETS have "cured" many people from blushing. I have actually been in contact with a Swedish girl that got rid of her blushing with ETS. Who are you to say that she doesn't blush, and she cannot relax because she is "obsessed"?

And please don't tell me I am unaware of the difference between blushing/flushing - I have spent years reading articles and reports in hope of a remedy.

I have had email conversations with Telaranta, and even more so with Lin on Taiwan, in case you don't know, he is the most famous surgeon in the world for the operation you didn't know the name on yourself earlier in this thread (it's ETS, not EST). They both told me ETS can help blushing, but have a higher risk of side effect than palmar hyperhidrosis only.

Please do not proclaim things as truth that you do not know anything about. That's how false rumors and unawareness begin. The doctors themselves do not know what causes blushing yet, and it is believed to have different reasons for different persons, since everyones body is built different.

Can you please provide me with a source for your conclusion: "Most people who suffer from blushing phobia has developed it because something in their lives happened to make them fear it. A situation when they blushed or whatever. This along with the fact that they are easily stressed makes them more prone to blushing."

The first time I blushed was entirely without reason, in class, without a sense of shame, about 12 years ago. That was because something happen in my body, not in my mind. And the problem has been there since.

And I don't understand how it could "prove your point" that Inderal helps with blushing. That would rather prove the opposite point, since it is helping blushing by affecting the BODY and not the MIND. Some people get relief to blushing from Inderal because something is different in the body.

Exactly opposite to your ranting about obsessions, insecurity and phobias.


Well-known member
I have read quite a few posts by you, and you seem never to be wrong about anything, according to your own theories. But here you are.

Those are your own conclusions.

ETS have "cured" many people from blushing. I have actually been in contact with a Swedish girl that got rid of her blushing with ETS. Who are you to say that she doesn't blush, and she cannot relax because she is "obsessed"?

Just because you have been in contact with one girl from Sweden doesn't prove anything. What do we know about her physical state before and after, nothing. There's no fact at all here. You said yourself no one knows what causes blushing, so what exactly are they operating? They block a nerv signal and they dont have a clue what they do. We all know that most of the blushing occur in social situations so obviously it is pretty much all in your head. How do you know people just assume they were cured after the operation? Belief is a strong thing.

The operation doesnt cure anything because there is nothing to cure. Blushing is a normal reaction. Flushing might not be. I honestly believ that ETS does not cure blushing. I have heard too many stories about people getting red when they laugh, blushing coming back full force after some time and so on.

The thing is THIS, the ETS works pretty much like a beta blocker. It slows the heart down and takes away some of the stress coming from the sympathetic nervous system. Then you can alter it if you want to cure HH more or flushing. But it's gonna come back sooner or later when the nerves find new paths.

And please don't tell me I am unaware of the difference between blushing/flushing - I have spent years reading articles and reports in hope of a remedy.

Still you cannot tell me if you suffer from flushing or blushing.

I have had email conversations with Telaranta, and even more so with Lin on Taiwan, in case you don't know, he is the most famous surgeon in the world for the operation you didn't know the name on yourself earlier in this thread (it's ETS, not EST). They both told me ETS can help blushing, but have a higher risk of side effect than palmar hyperhidrosis only.

You hang on to little things, like a spelling misstake because you are too upset and ignorant to argue the real question. If you think me writing EST instead of ETS once makes me non aware of the surgery you are naive. Judging from what you have told me so far, it seems to me I know more about it than you do.

And yeah, I have heard about Lin and I bet you didn't even know that HH is a more common condition in Asia than anywhere else. That is why the operation is more common there, not because of blushing.

Please do not proclaim things as truth that you do not know anything about. That's how false rumors and unawareness begin. The doctors themselves do not know what causes blushing yet, and it is believed to have different reasons for different persons, since everyones body is built different.

You obviously have a problem with your mood. You seem kind of agressive to me. No wonder you turn red all the time.

Can you please provide me with a source for your conclusion: "Most people who suffer from blushing phobia has developed it because something in their lives happened to make them fear it. A situation when they blushed or whatever. This along with the fact that they are easily stressed makes them more prone to blushing."

I am sure people on this board can tell you themselves. What I wrote is absolutely true for the majority of blushers. I base this not only on common sense, which you seem to be lacking, but also on what I have read on forums like this and people I have been in contact with. It's just like any other phobia. Not very different actually. Are you telling me you dont have a phobia? That you dont care about turning red in public? That it doesnt cause social anxiety? If not, what are you doing here? Go to a rocaea forum instead.

The first time I blushed was entirely without reason, in class, without a sense of shame, about 12 years ago. That was because something happen in my body, not in my mind. And the problem has been there since.

So if it doesnt cause you any anxiety what are you doing here? What is the problem? The whole point with this forum is the common anxiety problem. You seem to be confused. Your whole story about antihistamines and feeling calm amongst people and all that makes you seem double faced.

And I don't understand how it could "prove your point" that Inderal helps with blushing. That would rather prove the opposite point, since it is helping blushing by affecting the BODY and not the MIND. Some people get relief to blushing from Inderal because something is different in the body.

Oh lord, you are not so smart are you? I'll explain it again. Person sits with a group, gets in center of attention, hearts start to race and a rush of adrenalin goes through your body and you turn red of all the stress. Now with Inderal the heart beat is kept down and it doesnt race and no adrenalin and noradrenalin is rushing through your system so obviously it calms the person down a whole lot, which means less prone to blushing. If you can't even understand this, then don't argue about it. It just makes you come across as stupid. This is also why I say you don't have a clue about antihistamines. You just pop a pill, could be a sugar pill or whatever and wow, it cures everything. We have read about it a thousand times on forums like this. Aint getting us anywhere really.


Well-known member
* I can fw you the mail where Telaranta himself says that ETS can cure blushing. They are in Swedish so no idea to post them at the board. In the meantime, you can take a look at Telaranta's own website, where he says ETS do cure facial blushing. This link goes to a part of the website, where different types of blushing are explained, and how he believes they will be cured by doing ETS at different levels:

A quote from the page is "Common facts for all types of blushers: As a blusher of any of the above types, you will benefit significantly from EBS." It can't really be more clear than that, can it?

* Blushing is not a "normal reaction" when it is a problem, and that everyone suffering from it can tell. This are the words used only by people not suffering from blushing themselves. If something destroy one's life, make someone sit inside 24/7, avoid social gatherings, don't go dating, can't hold presentations, because he had a medical condition most people do not, then it is NOT a "normal reaction." Telaranta also describes on the link I give you how "the problem" is most likely "hereditary."

* ETS is more common in Taiwan because the government there subsidize the surgery, so anyone can have it for free, until some years ago, when the surgery was banned for people under 18 because all the complaints about side effects. Up till then close to 100,000 surgeries were made at Taiwan only. Not in other Asian countries.

* Again you explain what Inderal does to our bodies - and that proves that it alter something wrong in OUR BODIES not in our minds. Just the point I want to make. You say this is "normal" and "in our heads," yet you say Inderal helps because it cools down the overactivity in our bodies.

I know you have not been reading much about ETS so i recommend you this forum:

ETS And Reversals Discussion Forum - Message Board Yuku

There are more information than maybe anywhere else on internet concerning the surgery you do not understand.
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Well-known member
* I can fw you the mail where Telaranta himself says that ETS can cure blushing. They are in Swedish so no idea to post them at the board. In the meantime, you can take a look at Telaranta's own website, where he says ETS do cure facial blushing. This link goes to a part of the website, where different types of blushing are explained, and how he believes they will be cured by doing ETS at different levels: Privatix

To me, personally the exact words that came from his mouth was that it isn't very effective against blushing but more so for HH. I am the kind of person that question things and want to have facts so that is what I demanded. You have to remember that he is a private surgeon and he makes a lot of money on this and I wouldn't be surprised if he would tell you that it would cure your anxieties if that is what you want to hear or whithold information regarding serious side effects. It is very, very naive to trust what these people tell you. Remember that ETS is banned in it's country of origin. That say's a lot.

All stories I red about with people getting the ETS operation were people that not only had blushing problems but flushing along with it. I don't question it curing flushing and rocae type of redness, but I am not really convinced that it cures normal blushing. If it does it is only because the signal from the nervous system to the heart is broken and so there is no rush of stress hormones to the heart. Just like a beta blocker but probably a lot more effective. With that said, imagine all the possible side effects! Compensatory sweating, impotence and depression. Scary.

Found this information while searching google...

i am now 20, and suffered severe bluhing since the age of about 13. I had ETS sugery two years ago, which completely helped for a year, and then the blushing returned...along with flushing. It is not as bad as it was before surgery, the blusing is still very much at a low, but i have flushing 10 times as bad, as a result. My flushes can last for up to an hour, if i am faced with an uncomfortable situation, and to be honest is as about as annoying as the initial blushing.

anyway, also what i forgot to say in my thread was that, when I was doing my own research, the hospital leaflets claimed that in a years follow up, post ETS the success of the surgery for blushing was around 65-70% in patients, but it baffles me how they manage to back up their claims, because I for one, havent been contacted at all, since leaving the hospital. The surgeon actually came in to see me, the morning after the operation, and did ask had it been a success for me, but honestly, after just waking up, and not being faced in any normal 'blushing' situation at that point, I really couldnt give an honest maybe that is how they get such statistics

Also read this thread..ESFB Channel :: View topic - ETS....helps with blushing AND flushing?

From what I've read, the most complaints about ETS come from people who had it for facial blushing.


A quote from the page is "Common facts for all types of blushers: As a blusher of any of the above types, you will benefit significantly from EBS." It can't really be more clear than that, can it?

And you trust this? Isn't that very naive? You really need to start look for second opinions. Jesus, don't be stupid. Look around you, people feel like **** after ETS. Did the surgeons tell them about all these possible problems?

* Blushing is not a "normal reaction" when it is a problem, and that everyone suffering from it can tell. This are the words used only by people not suffering from blushing themselves. If something destroy one's life, make someone sit inside 24/7, avoid social gatherings, don't go dating, can't hold presentations, because he had a medical condition most people do not, then it is NOT a "normal reaction." Telaranta also describes on the link I give you how "the problem" is most likely "hereditary."

So what? Many people blush and don't give a damn. It's all in your head. It's only a problem because you concider it a problem. You have developed a phobia, THAT is the problem. Blushing is a normal reaction, but if you obsess about it, of course it will become worse. It's the same with all phobias. Don't you get it?

* ETS is more common in Taiwan because the government there subsidize the surgery, so anyone can have it for free, until some years ago, when the surgery was banned for people under 18 because all the complaints about side effects. Up till then close to 100,000 surgeries were made at Taiwan only. Not in other Asian countries.

Search the internet and you will see that the real reason is that it is because HH is more widespread amongst asians than other people. Didn't I write that before? You are not listening. Just google "hyperhidrosis + asians" and you will find hundreds of medical links about it!

* Again you explain what Inderal does to our bodies - and that proves that it alter something wrong in OUR BODIES not in our minds. Just the point I want to make. You say this is "normal" and "in our heads," yet you say Inderal helps because it cools down the overactivity in our bodies.

Once again you don't understand. This is getting a bit frustrating. Did I not say before that blushers often suffer from "acute stress"? Yes or no? Did I not explain what Inderal does? It takes away the anxiety by slowing down the heart and stopping stress hormones which makes the heart beat more. The outcome is that you become calmer. You might as well use alcohole or an antihistamine which you tried (and believed it was a cure) that will calm you down in any way. How many times do I have to explain this to you? A betablocker might do it, as well as a Valium or Xanax. People can still blush on Inderal. It doesnt cure the blushing, it just takes away the stress of having a heart pounding hard in your chest. It is called anxiety and it worsens your phobias.

You are seriously wasting my time.


Well-known member
I will keep my response shorter because this doesn't lead anywhere.

Funny you tell me to look for second opinions, not to trust surgeons and so on. It all started with you saying that according to Telaranta, ETS will not do anything to cure blushing.

Then I send you the link to his website that express as clearly as it is possible, that he claims that blushing can be cured with ETS. And still you are 100% right, I am 100% wrong and waste your time.

This discussion is not a battle that has to be won; it is an exchange of opinions and experiences. And here, my friend, you were totally wrong in your groundless argument that Telaranta and other surgeons told you that blushing can not be cured by ETS. Just leave it there.

And you do not have to explain the side effects, tell me to get second opinions, or calling me "naive" - I do not believe the surgeons myself. I did individual research, talk to patients that had ETS, and I am today convinced it is a dangerous operation.

I quoted Telaranta because I wanted to show the wrong with your statement - not because I believe the guy!

AND you say it again that blushing is a natural reaction and "all in your head," how excessive it might be.

OK, with the same logic, one can also say that excessive sweating is "all in your head," since sweating is as "normal" of a reaction as blushing. Therefore, both excessive sweaters and excessive blushers do not have to seek any medical help, but only fix what is "all in their heads."

This is of course not the case. the excessive bit is because something is wrong in the body, something is different, may it be over sympathetic nerve system or something else.

I recall asking my Chinese doctor "Do you go red or sweat like me when you get nervous?" She replied "No, I only get a weird feeling in my stomach."

That explains my body differ from hers, and from many others. It's not "all in my head."

Concerning Asians: "the real reason" is still that Taiwanese government subsidized the surgery for almost two decades. If the reason is only that Asians suffer from hyperhidrosis more often than us, how do you explain this: There are fewer ETS surgeries having been done in China, than in Brazil.

I know the Asian gene pool is more prone to hyperhidrosis than the caucasian, especially the Japanese population, but the reason for the slaughtering in Taiwan is that the government gave green light for Lin and his colleagues to cut anyone that they could fool.

And finally -- you call me stupid and that might be fair, but it will not change the fact that this thread started with you saying that ETS can't do anything for blushing, and that Telaranta told you so. And also you come with your own theory - without any references - on what causes blushing, and you discourage people that try different remedies to relief blushing by saying "it is all in your head."

Obviously, one can see by the links above that you are incorrect, and to not spread false truths on the forum, I wanted to correct you.
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Well-known member
Obviously I am dealing with someone who has too much time on his hands. My advice is, go out and meet people and stop obsessing about your red face and the problem will become less severe because the way you obsess about it, no wonder it becomes a problem.

Like I said, in the end it is all in your head. You choose to be the victim. Blushing doesn't kill you. And by the way, sweating is a different thing and you can't compare it to blushing. There are many people who do not suffer from HH who still blush and vice versa.

It is time to wake up and smell the coffey.


Well-known member
It's nice to know that it worked with you too. I've been trying Claritin and Zyrtec now but they don't really help anymore.

Could it possibly be that you simply got "high" off of the pills?

I typed a topic about getting high and blushing a while ago but it got deleted because of the content. Basically I explained how I've never ever blushed after smoking weed. I'm not a pothead or saying that you should all smoke weed, but it's something interesting to consider.


Well-known member
It's nice to know that it worked with you too. I've been trying Claritin and Zyrtec now but they don't really help anymore.

Could it possibly be that you simply got "high" off of the pills?

I typed a topic about getting high and blushing a while ago but it got deleted because of the content. Basically I explained how I've never ever blushed after smoking weed. I'm not a pothead or saying that you should all smoke weed, but it's something interesting to consider.

Isn't it all very obvious? Older types of antihistamines work as sedatives so it calms your anxiety down, just like alcohol does to many as well as valium. Could be hasch or whatever calms you down. It's nothing magical, it doesn't cure your blushing, it only makes you more relaxed and less likely to care and worry so much which is usually what worsens blushing.

Histamine has nothing to do with normal blushing. It might play a roll in flushing (inflamatory) but not with blushing. The only effect you'll ever benefit from as a blusher is the calming effect. Therefor I would say antihistamines are pretty much worthless. You can't go around all life drugged out.

If anything is going to cure blushing physically it would be a pill that prevents blood from rushing to the face (which is not likely to happen), a antidepressant or something that prevents vasodilation in the face. But personally I dont believe in a cure from blushing for several reasons - it is not concidered a big enough problem by people who dont suffer from this. And most would say there is a deeper problem and that the blushing is only a symtom of insecurities and other problems (hundred years ago blushing was hardly a problem, but in recent years social phobia has exploaded) but the main reason there wont be any cure is because it is probably too hard to cure something that is considered normal. It's not like fixing a broken bone, this is harder to reach. How do you stop blood from rushing to your face but not the rest of the body and how do you do it without serious side effects.

I think we have to accept that this is how some people are. More empathic than others. There is nothing "wrong" with us. How can anyone claim there is something wrong with us? What is really wrong is how we think about blushing or why it would be wrong to blush in our part of the world - because lets face it, this is the rich mans problem. And this never used to be a problem a few hundred years ago. It seems to me our world today is tougher, harder and more competative and it is bad to show signs of weakness. That is fu*ked up!

On an interesting note. Australian doctors examined blushing in tests and found this...

Changes in facial blood flow were investigated during an introductory conversation, delivering a speech, and listening to the speech afterwards in 16 people with a fear of blushing and 16 controls. It was hypothesized that fear of blushing would be associated with high ratings of self-reported blushing intensity and embarrassment during the tasks, and with persistence of the blushing reaction between tasks. Embarrassment and self-reported blushing intensity were greater in the fear-of-blushing group than in controls throughout the experiment. Increases in facial blood flow were similar in the two groups during each of the tasks. However, blushing dissipated more slowly after each task in the fear-of-blushing group than in controls, resulting in an incremental increase in facial blood flow over the course of the experiment. The slow recovery after an episode of blushing might result in physiological or social cues that help to maintain a fear of blushing.

To investigate whether verbal feedback about blushing influences subsequent social discomfort or blushing itself, changes in facial blood flow and ratings of blushing and embarrassment were investigated in high (N=28) and low scorers (N=28) on the Blushing Propensity scale while singing and reading aloud, and while listening to audiotapes of their performance. After each task half of the participants were told that they had blushed, and the rest were told that they had not blushed. Blood flow increased progressively in participants with high blushing propensity scores who were given “blushing” feedback, but not in the other participants. This finding suggests that expecting to blush may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Verbal feedback about blushing strongly influenced subsequent social discomfort, and mimicked the effects of blushing propensity on ratings of embarrassment and blushing intensity. In sum, the findings support the view that preconceptions about blushing propensity are shaped by past learning experiences, that concern about blushing is a major source of discomfort in embarrassing situations, and that these concerns are often unrelated to the actual intensity of blushing.

Like I said, it is very much in our heads (for most of us anyways).
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Well-known member
Stuckwithme you are hilarious - you still on like you are 100% right, ignoring information saying the opposite and not giving any references.

I have seen your posts in other threads as well, and everywhere people get pissed off because of your attitude.

In real life, people that jump to conclusions by wrong facts, downplaying other's problems, and tell other people how this and that remedy work without even having tried it himself, is netiher liked nor taken serious.

It's just the same on internet forums.
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