another level of OCD (please help)


i have ocd since like...15. I had multiple issues. a lot. from the simplest ones to the hardcore ones. but this one is another level. I think that i have found the love of my life. I love everything about her, and i got to meet her and spend time with her. It's everything i expected it to be since the first time i saw her. but now, this fucking son of a bitch evil shit on my head won't let me want to be with her. is painful and i'm having panic attacks and been crying. I'm really tired of this illness, the one thing in the world that i want in my life is my brain to be normal, to not overthink and overheat. i want it to feel like it weights 1kg instead of 100kg. please, tell me what you think about this issue. because i have felt things like this before about a girl but this is something special, something more, and the son of a bitch os not letting me enjoy this special relationship/person. also, i haven't kissed her or anything just hanged around with her. if that helps. please, answer me to see what type of problem is this. thanks in advance.



fight it back! why you dont want to hug her and kiss her? what do you think that moment? let the thoughts come and then do something energetic, like a walk to the collegue at the next office, or call a friend, or read something interesting. But fight it back! you deserve to be happy! you deserve to be loved!


thanks very much for the reply, i think that problem is now gone, it lasted for a short moment but jesus that was horrible.


how did you overcome this

how did you overcome this feeling? i dont take any pill, and my shrink who is behavoral, belevies that i can overcome this with some methods that he can teach me. but i am curius how did you overcome this same thing i have.