anorexia thoughts coming back to my head


Well-known member
I don't know if i mentioned before that i had anorexia at the age of 15?

Anyway i was cured of it and things have been fine, but now i'm 26 years old i'm begining to feel guilty after eating(in particular chocolate and stuff) and thoughts of starving myself are coming to my mind, in a sense it's the same kind of punishment as a cutter would give themsleves. I feel that a factor which is contributing to my obsession is the fact that an outspoken work colleauge commented that i was getting a fat belly, even though i am fairly slim, but comments cut into my heart like a knife. Also a mean comments on my youtube videos don't help.


Well-known member
Dont listen to the others they're probably just jealous since you're so slim

plus if you starve yourself men definately wont find you attractive,being super skinny isnt nice looking, men like women with curves, look at Beyonce shes not fat but she has curves and bounces down those stages/catwalks :D so dont feel bad about it, feel proud of your curves and flaunt them, people only put others down cus they're afraid of their own insecurities-besides thats what anorxiea makes you think-but you know that it isnt true so just ignore it


Well-known member
sidney said:
Dont listen to the others they're probably just jealous since you're so slim

plus if you starve yourself men definately wont find you attractive,being super skinny isnt nice looking, men like women with curves, look at Beyonce shes not fat but she has curves and bounces down those stages/catwalks :D so dont feel bad about it, feel proud of your curves and flaunt them, people only put others down cus they're afraid of their own insecurities-besides thats what anorxiea makes you think-but you know that it isnt true so just ignore it

I am a man! Men suffer with anorexia too. I look in the mirror and i see a disgusting person staring back at me.


Well-known member
I could have sworn there was a comment somewhere, where you said you were female and it was the same pic??
anyway, so what? Do you think women like stick skinny men, cus they dont!! women want big strong men to hold onto not a wee stick thing, and this is just me but i'd prefer a guy with a beer belly more than a 6 pack cus then i know he's a real, normal man who's comfortable in his own skin and that makes me feel better :D


Well-known member
Please don't punish yourself because of judgmental jerks. I'm not good at this but since we have SA, it's easy to judge ourselves harshly. As you know, when someone else does it, it's terribly debilitating for us. If u could just realize that people who criticize you like that are the ones with issues, not YOU. I mean, who in their right mind can believe they have the right to comment on your body?? They have no right to judge you like that. Their opinions don't matter. What you think of yourself does. I'm trying to pound that idea into my own head because even if I don't feel it, I know it's true.