annoying little things


Well-known member
My annoying little thing - I try to talk with my SIL, making small talk or whatever, but usually it ends up with me getting frustrated and angry. It really should not be that way whilst just making small talk - let alone if something is of importance.

Example: I was unloading dryer and SIL was loading washer and I just casually said something I had heard in the news-not a big deal, just making conversation. She completely ignored me and walked away. I thought perhaps she just didn't hear me. So I tried again later in the day. Again, she ignored me and walked away. This has happened several times and she even does it to her kids if they try to get her attention (mommy, mommy, listen to me mommy...) and she literally ignores them.

How do you handle someone like that?

So what are some things that annoy you and how do you handle it?