Well Biff...
First off I don't have any problem with Biff's statements. That said... I couldn't help but wonder how different Biff's life would be if... (and here comes a book

) His parents gave birth to him when they were 16 years old, then got divorced when he was only 3. His mother and father then used him as collateral to hurt the other by denying visitation, and each parent tried to turn him against the other. His father rarely paid child support, and hadn't even talked to him in 10 years. He grew up on welfare and shopped with food stamps. Attended 7 different schools in his life, had 3 completely different "clicks" of friends through life (blacks, heavy metal white guys, then rednecks) being thrust into a completely different group of friends at the drop of a hat. Was molested by a man when he was 8 years old, then again when he was 12, all 5 of his serious girlfriends in life ended up cheating on him, every single one without fail. His fiancee (who he'd lived with for 5 years) cheated on him too, and left him for no apparent reason, (for another man actually) 3 months after agreeing to marry him, and even had the nerve to introduce him as "my friend" at a work party after 5 years together. (at least
That sparked my assertiveness) (dumping him over the telephone!?) Spent 3 years in the 9th grade, (skipped school 66 times in one year, and got purposely expelled the next. Then one year in the 10th grade, then dropped out. So afraid of people, and the public that you once hit yourself in the ankle with a hammer 3 times, and said you fell, to avoid going to school. Been addicted to cigarettes, and marijuana for 19 years. Taken pills, alcohol, cocaine, acid, shrooms, and nearly everything except Meth and Heroin. Bullied all of his life by everyone including by gang members, and had guns pointed at his head. Bullied by teachers, bosses, the police, judges, the government... the whole human system, as a matter of fact. Been called "lazy just like his father, never gonna amount to anything." Been overweight his whole life. And just found out 2 weeks ago what his "disorder" really is, (Social phobia, with avoidant personality disorder) after thinking he was OCD, ADD, schizophrenic etc etc... every disorder in the book, went to the psychiatrist for help, and they told him (basically) his only problem was he was just lazy. After 3 months of Psych help he accomplished nothing and recieved a 2000 dollar bill in the mail from the psychiatrist, which is 1/6th of his yearly "bring home" income, so he can't pay the bill now. (which is supposedly a sliding scale) The government thinks they need 70 dollars a week from a poor man who only grosses 320 a week. lost his job, his car, lived with his mom at age 30 (which even his best friend thinks is funny to bring up in front of large groups of people so they all can laugh. (some best friend) Has one pair of jeans, 3 shirts, one pair of underwear, one pair of socks, no money to even get started with this heaping pile of sh*t. Spent the last three years homebound with agoraphobia, Always had an overwhelming fear of death nearly everyday, attempted suicide... And i'm sure there is plenty more, although I maybe forgot half of the bad experiences in my life. But that is one example of what can cause someone to become socially phobic. And you wonder why we
HATE people? And why we always want others to feel sorry for us? They need to pass a law so I can sue every last one of the a**holes who have destroyed my life and made me hate most of human kind. It's everything I can do just to keep from going "postal" one day... That's where all
my "Willpower" goes. lol
But despite all of that, I still try. And am currently climbing out of the hole again.
But I agree, it's a fact that I just mope around and expect everyone to feel sorry for me most of the time, but if you ever wonder why, just look upwards at what i've been through, (most humans aren't even worth my time, look what they do) and ask yourself if your life would be different than it is at the moment. (and h*ll maybe all that
has happened to you too, I wouldn't know)
But I think your brother has most likely experienced similar things, and 99% of those things he has (most likely) never told you, and maybe never told
anyone before. And at least here (at this forum, and on the internet) he can talk about those things with anonimity, to someone who will listen, and understand. And maybe he can eventually sort it all out, and overcome life's struggles.
I've already said too much, sorry if I hijacked your thread.
Good luck to everyone. :wink: