an example of my problems frmo today


First off, I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this so if it needs moving that's cool :cool:
This earlier was a typical example of me though, does anybody else ever get like this?

Our virgin tv box broke yesterday so we had someone round to look at it. He came in and I told him the problem, all fine. Then he started looking at it and I started getting a bit uncomfortable with it feeling I should be talking. I realised I should probably ask if he wanted a drink and then had an internal debate with myself about whether to do it. i decided that if i didn't I would feel stupid later for not doing it so i did. I mean really, who has a debate with themselves over asking if someone wants a drink?! Anyways, he didn't want one so I carried on just giving my baby her lunch. She was smiling and laughing at him so we had a little chat about her while he finished fixing it. Then as he was leaving I thought Oh I'll go get the door for him as he has his hands full, but my hallway is very narrow so we ended up having to squeeze by each other for him to get out and me to get back in. I felt like such an idiot.....i mean, right after i thought I could have just stepped outside for 2 seconds to let him by, but nope, i squeezed myself by him like a weirdo......I went bright red and although we had had a very pleasant exchange and whatever while he was fixing the box I felt like I had made an idiot of myself and that he probably got right into his van and thought what a weirdo. I did tell myself off and say get over it, he won't be thinkin about it tomorrow and neither will you so it's not a big deal.......but I still had the thoughts in the first place. i feel like such an oddball, the thing that I feel describes me is socially awkward. I wish I wasn't though!
I've had moments like that too, where you're just not sure what's "expected" or "normal." Rationally, I know that whatever I end up doing is no big deal, but I hate the thought of potentially coming across as rude and/or a weirdo.


see i had never had the thought that maybe he would just think i was being nice!!!! I was, and I know really that he probably didn't think a thing of it, but I am always wondering if what I did is going to seem weird or something.

It must be great not analysing and overthinking everything you do and say, I'm determined I will be "normal" one day....


Active member
I usually can't think of anything to say at all. At least you had a chat with the dood to lighten the mood. And I'm sure he probably didn't think you were a weirdo.