aMT is it the cure for OCD?


alpha-Methyltryptamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi there I've been searching OCD treatments on the net for some time now and, a while ago stumbled upon the trials MAPS did in the US on Psilocybin which opened a whole new avenue of treatment I had overlooked. It seems 5ht2A agonistic psychedelics have shown great promise for treating if not curing OCD all together. Anyway to cut a long story short it turns out most of these 5ht2A agonists are prohibited substances like Psilocybin a.k.a. magic mushrooms, LSD, mescaline a.k.a. peyote cactus etc. Which obviously limits there availability. But turns out there is a readily available 5ht2A angonist that is still legal in most of the world except the US, and a couple other countries called alpha methyltryptamine a.k.a. aMT or IT-290 that was developed as an antidepressant by Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in the US and only recently made illegal due to it's potential as a recreational drug. Now I'm no expert, and there's limited info available on aMT but it sure sounds promissing so if there's anyone out there thats had experience taking aMT or even the other 5ht2A agonists for their OCD let us know how you went. Or if you yourself are planning on trying it according to what I've read it will initially enduce a euphoric or psychedelic like state the first few times taken but a complete tolerance is rapidly developed which is desired as the psychedelic experience it's self although useful for other ailments is not so for OCD it's the actual neurobiological effect thats beneficial in OCD, and development of tolerance to this initial state is a sign it's begining to work for OCD.

Here's the intriguing info I found during my searches for further reading:

5-HT2A receptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Magic mushrooms ease OCD symptoms - Health - Mental health -
Psilocybin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psilocybin mushroom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hallucinogens and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -- PERRINE 156 (7): 1123 -- Am J Psychiatry
Hallucinogens, serotonin and obsessive-compulsive ... [J Psychoactive Drugs. 1998 Oct-Dec] - PubMed result
LSD treatment in a severe case of compulsive neuro... [Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1977] - PubMed result
Enhancing action of LSD on neuronal responsiveness... [Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2003] - PubMed result

Personal Account of Mushrooms Curing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Relief of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms by LSD and Psilocin
Erowid Experience Vaults: Mushrooms - P. cubenis - OCD Treatment - 62188
Shroomery - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (o.c.d.) nearly gone
Five Case Reports of Positive Psychedelic Experiences in Patients with Mental Disorder
Experimentation time - Mind and Muscle Forums

The Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs - Vollenweider

Human Psychedelic Research: A Historical And Sociological Analysis
The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry : Neurophilosophy References Database
MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies