Am I overreacting? Feel dreadful


Well-known member
Mistakes happen-- especially with your first experience in something.
You have to understand that it was just a mistake and learn from it-- and become a better person, rather than panic and feel like a terrible person.

You need to gain experience in order to get better at things, right?
Everything takes practice.
And if she still likes you; I would suggest taking a bit of a break and explaining to her that it's your first time- that you need to both be open and communicative; and perhaps try again?

For right now, though...
Perhaps try doing something you like to get your mind off of things.
It's not the end of the world- just a lesson in life that you can learn from to help you grow.


Well-known member
You said 'people' so chances are other people were doing the same. I have a female friend who this happened to before. She split up with her boyfriend, started getting invited everywhere by her male friends (subtly flirting with each one of them) and then had a massive freak out when she realised all these friend's weren't interested in being friends. There might be some chance this happened and it wasn't your fault. You might have just been caught in the crossfire of a bigger problem with her.

If you've already apologized don't do it again. Just be friendly (and maybe slightly aloof), if you keep saying sorry you might push her away. If you make someone your everything you'll push them away as the pressure and lack of personal space becomes too much. I've been on both sides of it.
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