Am i going crazy?

Rise Against

Well-known member
Is it normal to have conversations with yourself... i mean the other night i couldn't sleep and i had a 7 hour back and forth conversation with myself. In the past year i have been having lots of conversations with myself inside my head... is this normal with shy/lonely people or should i be concerned?

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
2 people arguing inside your head is ok... when 5 more show up, THAT'S when you should be worried.::p:

Kidding. I think it's pretty normal. I used to do that a lot back in the day and I think this tendency is made worse when you isolate yourself socially.

One popular theory asserts that the brain is made up of "parts" that are all trying to carry out their individual agendas. In hypnosis, these parts are frequency brought to the surface so they can communicate with each other.

For example, you may have a part of yourself that wants you to go out and meet new people while there is another conflicting part that wants you to stay home because it's fearful of rejection. This style of hypnosis is called "parts therapy." Google it for more info.

Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
thats what i do most of the time

there is me, mature me, child me.

im trying to kill that child me

That's a big mistake. That child part of yourself will always be a part of you. Instead of trying to kill it, try to understand what its needs are and treat it like it was your son or daughter. If you went back in time and got to speak to yourself when you were 6 years old, would you want to kill that child or would you tell him that you love and accept him and everything is gonna be ok?

What do you think that part of you wants to hear?


I do that, too! I was thinking about it the other day and came to the idea that it is perhaps simply compensation for a total lack of social communication in reality. It's as if my brain is trying to remain active and interactive, and with a lack of outside stimulus it's just turned in on itself.

I think as long as the conversations you're having aren't violent or hurtful it should be okay! :):):)


I do this. I am constantly thinking inside my head and asking myself questions as to what I should do next. I also imagine myself in my own little world in a much better place than where I am now. It feels so much better to think of myself being there than here.


Well-known member
Relax. It is 'normal' (and what the hell does normal mean, I challenge the definition :p) and you are not the only one talking with yourself.