Always hungry


i eat so much im always eating sweets, i can eat 6 toasts in a day ther just snacks/small meals

i need to eat like every hour or i feel hungry :/

im supposed to be on a diet but im so hungry all the time


Well-known member
Yeah diets always make me really hungry at first too. I'm not sure what a toast is...just try to eat healthy, that's the best way to go.


if i eat junk food like crisps or salted peanuts, i find it difficult to stop withought going through the whole pack or packet so i tend not to buy that kind of stuff.

if i eat veg, especially potatoes then i dont feel hungry again for hours.

i dont eat sweets they dont go with vodka :)

6 slices of toast a day isnt so bad i reckon, but i suppose it all depends what your spreading on them (i just use low fat spread on brown bread toast)


Well-known member
if i eat junk food like crisps or salted peanuts, i find it difficult to stop withought going through the whole pack or packet so i tend not to buy that kind of stuff.

if i eat veg, especially potatoes then i dont feel hungry again for hours.

i dont eat sweets they dont go with vodka :)

6 slices of toast a day isnt so bad i reckon, but i suppose it all depends what your spreading on them (i just use low fat spread on brown bread toast)

Peanuts are actually really good food.

Also just saying again diet doesnt mean starving or cutting all food you like, I menaged to lose weight yet I was eating a big mac and potatos every saturday.