Always Grumpy


Well-known member
I am always grumpy. I cannot smile, nor do have any reason to smile. Why am i like this? i don't know, but i know that if i smile or not what difference does it make? when i am in a good mood (which is rarely) i don't notice any difference. People still do not want to be around me. It takes more energy for me to smile than it does to be grumpy all the time.

For me i see no benefit in smiling at all. People smile way too much these days, why is that? maybe they are happy? maybe that is my personality, i am a serious type personality. I don't have a happy personality. Thats about it


Well-known member
Lately i have been on a very short fuse and it's unlike me, i am usually mellow, quiet and laid back but i just explode for very little reason.


Well-known member
I feel that way alot of times.I Lose my temper easily.You need to find an outlet for your frustrations. Try a hobby or an exercise program. You may start to feel better about yourself and other people to.


Well-known member
Oddly, I am not really a huge grumpy puss anymore. I smile and laugh pretty easily - which I do enjoy about myself. It's just my nature- even though I am not what I can a VERY happy person. I guess I am just easily amused and like people to feel appreciated. Though, I still consider myself quite a serious person.