Always getting negative vibes from people

Anyone ever get negative vibes like stares, gestures, whispers from people whom you've never or have talked to? I do all the time. I don't even talk to half of these people, but when I do, most of them just stare at me from the sides or give me the "she's strange" look. In all of my classes except 1, I'm the only Asian so it makes it easier for me to stand out. Especially with most Mexicans at my school who either have a thing against Asians or just me. Everytime I turn around or look, when there's a group of hispanics, they'll ocassionally stare at me, laugh, and then give the gossipy mode. I know they are talking about me because they look at everywhere i go.

I'm not soo good at eye contact even though I'm working at it. So I'll look for like 10-20 secs, turn around 3-5 minutes later and they'll still be doing it.

I don't know why either 'cause I consider myself an EXTREMELY boring person to watch.


Yeah definatley... tho tbh i think its down to our anxiety and mostly in our heads.Were that self concious and worried about whats going on around us and what people are thinking I think we look to see if were being noticed subconciously or whatever and auto think its being done in a negative way if someone does happen to look at us or somthing.When really people are just nosey lol.... and ya know you are visible so people are going to look at you :)

I get very paranoid when im up town because that makes me anxious and i think everyones staring at me because im acting weird or somthing,to be honest i get bad vibes just talking to people,even on here :oops: But its a normal anxiety symptom i guess because we send too much time looking inwards and our low self esteem or whatever automaticaly assumes its negative.
I do sometimes, but not a whole whole lot. Yeah, I think a lot of it is just in my head too. I always think everyone is staring at me, and sometimes I have to look away because I don't even want to see how people are reacting to me. I'll actually look at people to see if they are staring at me too. Sometimes they do, but more often than not they will give a smile rather than some evil evil look. But when I get these negative vibes it makes me feel so horrible and I'll just get obsessed about it. I don't know, maybe it's just because we are all really really paranoid about it all.


Well-known member
I get negative vibes from my friends, I'm always so worried no one wants me around and I'm always looking for reassurance that people actually like me. Sometimes I call my self an idiot for it and other times i truly believe it and get really depressed. This is a huge reason why I turn people down when they ask me to go out drinking with them or something. I can't handle the "negative vibes".

Also if a car passes by and people in it are laughing, for some reason i assume they are laughing t me....its fucked I know, but I can't help thinking it.