

New member
Hi, I'm Ellie. My doctor surprised me when I finally started University in September by talking about my social phobia as if we both already knew I had it. Erm, I had no idea. I didn't even know I was depressed, although looking back I can't imagine what I thought was going on instead. Maybe I thought everyone was too shy and sad to go out and make friends for a decade? I've no idea.

I'm now on anti-depressants and am doing the whole CBT thing to make up for everything that's happened - or hasn't, more accurately - since I was about ten, but I thought it would also be a good idea to find a place full of other people with social anxiety, and to hang around for a bit. I'm not up to the real-life meeting in my local hall just yet, but an online forum seems like something I might just be able to manage, if I gird my loins a little. *g*

Alright, short list: no friends, incapable of dealing with Uni life, shy, nervous, self-conscious, self-critical/loathing... All those good things. I'm hopeful, however, that this year is when it all changes.

Anyway, nice to meet anyone who happens to read this! Hi! (Oh, and anyone else in fandom?)