alright another job rejection!


unemployed for 7 months now after losing my last job after 6 months. i have a degree in computer engineering so one would think social skills would be not so important but alas, life is just a big popularity contest thats all it is, what a joke.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that barodapride.

You've got to keep trying.

I was unemployed for 12 months after graduating, and I certainly questioned whether there was a point in doing my degree many times during that period.


Well, I'm still in school, but I've trouble with getting a job as well due to my SA. (sounds like a bad excuse huh?). I just totally blow at the interview. I can't think and my mind blanks. I just don't answer things logically. I hate the thought of me being stuck with a mediocre job because I can't act to my fullest potentials in public.


Well-known member
barodapride said:
unemployed for 7 months now after losing my last job after 6 months. i have a degree in computer engineering so one would think social skills would be not so important but alas, life is just a big popularity contest thats all it is, what a joke.

Some companies do teleconference interviews. Maybe you would perform better in those conditions?