All you think about?


Active member
Is always thinking about SP ie 24 hours a day normal? All i think about is my SP even when i am alone. Also becuase i spend alot of time alone i think way too much and make myself sick, anyone else get that?


Well-known member
i used to do that alot. i cried alot in my room and didnt know what the hell was wrong with me. but when i found out what it was i started to stand up to it and go out more. i made more effort to join in the conversation with people and started feeling better about myself.

once i stopped thinking about it (which did take some time) i felt free to go out and enjoy my life and get it back.

iv only got one shot of it so im not staying in anymore. iv turned my back on TV because i cant stand sitting there and flicking through. watching the news was depressing because it was always bad and reminded me of how bad the state of the world was in.

no more. im going to start going out and getting my life back. sp is NOT going to rule me. :wink:


Hi Egmanns

I definately understand the non stop thinking
I do it all the time (not always about SP though)
I tend to go over things in my head and analyse them as well
I agree with Cassie it would be nice to just stop for awhile

Any ideas how to do this would be much appreciated...

Maybe we just think too much...


Well-known member
I think that overactive brains are common amongst people with SP (because we overanalyse everything) and its this constant thought process that keeps me awake at night.

I've recently gotten sick to death of analysing my social problems and just thought 'forget it' and whaddya know, I feel better already.

Although I'm tempted to suggest that tricking our brain into thinking it hasn't got a problem is a good idea, its worth finding out a few ways in which you can make yourself comfy socially first (exercises and such) then maybe try my method. :)


Well-known member
Yes Egmanns i do - it's a no win situation. Because of my sp i miss out on a lot of living through actual experience - so to compensate i live in my mind. But when i am out experiencing and 'living' so to speak my mind tends to go nuts over what i did and every little thing else about the experience. Damned if i do damned if i don't. At least it's not as bad as it used to be - thank goodness.