Agitated and iritated?

Some days, for no apparent reason I get really agitated, and absolutely everything annoys me and gets on my nerves. It feels like my nerves are completely frayed and I'm on edge. Nothing helps to make me feel better, relaxing baths bore me and irritate me, reading gets on my nerves, everything on tv is nonsense, I'm just so on edge and stressed for no reason I just wish I knew why, or how to calm down.

I've been really 'up and down' mood-wise the last couple of days, on Valentines day someone stole my purse (and the twenty pounds in it), which made me really angry, but my boyfriend was really sweet which made me happy, and things keep happening which take me to the 'extreme' feelings; happy, sad, ect, and so maybe this is just a sign of the confusion of my feelings? I'm really not sure.

Anyone have any calming tips?

Naomi xx
Zipper said:
Exercise? Boxing? Sex? Running?

Exercise - it's nearly midnight so if I start exercising now I'll get hyped up and never sleep, and never get to college in the morning, boxing - same as exercise, sex - boyfriend isn't here :cry: , running - same as exercise and boxing.

Hehe, kinda chilling now though, I just get phases of irritability and annoyance, I'll cope, just wanted to see if anyone else does :)

TY for the reply :D
IronMaidenRockess said:
I get this too, but find I calm down quickly relaxing to music or having a bath with lots of essential oils in :)

I've recently bought lots of lovely products from Lush (they make handmade, fresh bath and beauty products, in case you haven't heard of them), so I might have a really big bubble bath tomorrow, with music and chocolate, it might help hehe, and every girl needs to pamper herself on occasion.


Well-known member
Burn things up. Be creative, make trails of fuel, test flammable things, try to light from distance with an aerosol.
Feels great.
harvey said:
crazyfairyx said: - boyfriend isn't here :cry:
Don't need the boyfriend for sex.

I'm immensely innocent and good, and therefore have no clue what you could possible mean :wink:

allanboy said:
Burn things up. Be creative, make trails of fuel, test flammable things, try to light from distance with an aerosol.
Feels great.

I really like that plan, haven't done stuff like that since I was about 15 ish, it's a good way to get rid of anger though, there's something strangely relaxing and de-stressing about fire (starting to sound scary :twisted: )


Well-known member
crazyfairyx said:
I really like that plan, haven't done stuff like that since I was about 15 ish, it's a good way to get rid of anger though, there's something strangely relaxing and de-stressing about fire (starting to sound scary :twisted: )

Dont you mind giving us a report of pyromaniacal doings ;)


Well-known member
I thougth I was the only one that enjoyed lighting matches just for the sake of it... :lol:

Regarding exercise: 2-4 hours before sleep! (if you can :D )


Well-known member
I get like that too - it's happening today. And amongst the irritability someone made me go to walmart!

I'm walking through the aisles thinking, "Gosh there are too many damn people here. Why the hell do they have to sell everything under the sun? Why is our country so commercialized? Why does everyone think Walmart is so great? Why is my aunt walking so slow? I wish my cousin and his girlfriend would stop being all over each other. It's so freaking annoying!" (I hate it when others are happy and I'm not).

Now I'm in my room away from the rest of the world...reading posts from my favorite people! It's the only thing that really works.
Si said:
Well don't all women get like that once a month ? :lol: :lol:

Better than men who are moody pretty much all the time :p and guys don't even have a hormone excuse.

But nah, at that time of the month I usually just go quiet and sad, haha probably why my boyfriend's stayed with me for so long :lol: I get agitated when I'm bored, which hopefully won't happen anytime soon cos I've got buffy the vampire slayer dvds to entertain me over half term :p :p