Aggressive charity collector's


Well-known member
Has anyone had any bad experiences with charity collector's being aggressive, and in your face? It's happened twice to me in the entrance's of supermarkets. On the latest occasion three weeks ago a lady collecting money by the entrance stood within a few inches away from me sort of half blocking me because i ignored her and walked past, and she raised her voice saying ''COME ON IT'S FOR TERMINALLY ILL CHILDREN!''....I was shocked and i felt kind of intimidated, and quite frankly she made me feel like scum.

Surely people have the choice whether they want to donate, it's not as if i always ignore them and i do donate sometimes, and who the hell was she to do that to me! If i gave money to every charity collector i encounter i'd be very poor, and i'm not exactly rolling in money as i am. Some charity worker!


Well-known member
I thought they were meant to just stand at the side and hold the collection tin still these days. It's like you said they know nothing about you or who you do or don't donate to so they should keep their mouths shut. It doesn't do any good for the cause if they are rude and in your face.