Afraid of going out


Well-known member
(Sorry if there is another thread about this, I searched but could not find it...)

Is anyone here afraid of going out?

I am extremely afraid of leaving my house to go somewhere alone. I am especially afraid if I have to go to someplace new.

I panic about getting lost or if something happens in the way...

It's specially bad if i have to use public transports. Even if I use my car, I am far from being comfortable (even though I drive well, and have my license for almost 10 years and never had an accident).

This prevents me to go meet my friends, as I always come up with excuses. And is even worst if it's something I must do, like renewing my ID card, car inspection or something...


Yes and no. I think I have a similar problem but I think my reasons or whatnot are somewhat different. I am scared of arriving at another place I guess. I can leave my house and just drive around and come home (although I don't because gas is expensive as hell). Actually going someplace else though is a huge problem especially like you said, if it's someplace new. I don't worry about getting lost or something happening I just worry about being around other people when I get there or that I won't know what to do or something.

Overall, yes I have very similar problems although kinda different. As you say it's a problem if it's something you have to do, there have been many times I've been quite concerned I might run out of gas because I have a hard time getting myself to stop for gas.


Well-known member
Yeah, me too. I also hate stopping for gas/car wash/etc... I am also afraid to talk to people when I get there!

But I also hate to drive my car around new places (that could get me lost). Even if I don't have to exit my car, and just come home. If it's places I know, it's ok, though.

This is definitely not good... I wish I was dead so that I did not have to do things like that.


Active member
Oh god yeah =/ I can take a shower, do my hair, get dressed in the usual time but if I have to go out I'll spend sometimes up to 45 minutes in front of the mirror just looking at myself from different angles, different jackets, all kinda of stuff like that..all because I'm afraid of going out and about how I look in particular when I'm out

Sometimes I get fed up with how I look or how I feel about going out, and just stay in. Even missed some exams because of these reasons

I hate unfamiliar places, I can't just leave and explore or have a stroll or anything like that