Afraid NOT to worry


Well-known member
This is me.

This must have been going on my whole life, and I've recognized that I do it, but I've only just noticed in the past few weeks how strange it is. I think it partly came from a joke my mother has. If we predict that something will happen, she says, "Well, now that you've said it, it won't." (And now that I've said that, it will. And now that I've said THAT, it won't....) There's truth in it. Things never happen exactly how you imagine. Still, it's a joke. But something in me actually believes it.

I must have been six or seven when my parents started allowing my brother to babysit me. It seems like this memory is from earlier than that, though, so maybe I did it even when we had an older babysitter. I recall lying in bed one night when my parents were out, staring at my closet door, and thinking about the possibility of there being a fire in the house that night because if I thought it, it wouldn't happen. That's the earliest time I can remember.

This is a habit. When I really don't want something to happen, I think about it. When I really want something to happen, I try to not imagine it. The second might be good, because I'd drive myself crazy with possibilities of something good and then be disappointed, but still, you can see that I'm directing my thoughts in a negative direction. I basically try to will things to happen. As if there was some divine being listening to my thoughts and forming the world around what I think. The day I really realized what I was doing, I had been forcing myself to worry throughout the school day about something that might happen that day or the next day. I really didn't want it to happen that day, so I kept thinking about it. I didn't allow myself to relax all day. It felt pretty awful. (It didn't happen that day. Or the next, when I wanted it to. I blamed that on the fact that I didn't worry about the possibility of it not happening the next day. >_< )

It's not like I feel like something is forcing me to, like I can't help it, which is what most anxiety disorders do. I feel like I continuously, freely make the choice to worry because I believe it will help. This is so STUPID, but I can't get it into my head that nothing will change due to what I'm thinking!!!


Well-known member
Yes, i can totaly relate to this. Though i see how stupid it is - i do that. Totally mazohistic. Like some kind of complicated superstition.
I cant tell you of any good strategy to battle this, what would i do sometimes is when i notice that i m doing that irrational "worrior" routine i will try to switch my mind to anything else. At least for some time.

Thanks for the comic


Well-known member
bleach said:
I worry about things because if they happen, it will be less painful and shocking.

YES! I forgot that part. I am terrified of being surprised by something bad. I don't want to be relaxed and then suddenly be thrown into anxiety. I want to expect it.


Hiya.. i can totally understand where you are coming from.. i used to worry all the time (it is horrible).. totally irational.!.. i used to try and win games and think in my head if i dont win my parents are going to die!.. or my older sister =(.. it was just the beguinning of my worries i used to think that i was going to die too... =( .. but it is all anxiety that we are going throgh.. i feel for all the people on this site.. it is a real horrible thing to go throgh as you are never away from this horrible thinking pattern!!!.. =( ..


OMG! I do this too, as a child my mother used to despair because I'd never step on a crack, it could take me ages to walk anywhere, because I was convinced something bad would happen if I didn't. I just thought this was OCD though.

As an eight year old I spent a lot of time worrying about nuclear war and alien invasion - not normal behaviour for a child that age, right?

More recently, and usually when I get in bed at night I imagine alsorts of terrible things happening, fire, burglary, murder - anything horrible - only I don't really care about myself just the people I love, so it's always them in the imaginary scenario.

I didnt associate it with a Social Anxiety though, although I definately have that also.

I wonder how many of my other strange behaviours and thought paterns are related to this?

Is it just a question of learning to control our thought process', replacing the negative with something positive?


Well-known member
I can't really explain, but when I'm calm and don't worry about anything, (which is rare), I feel guilty. I feel as if I must be stressed all the time, especially if I want to achieve something. It feels like laziness to feel calm, if that makes any sense.


Well-known member
Helyna said:
When I really want something to happen, I try to not imagine it. The second might be good, because I'd drive myself crazy with possibilities of something good and then be disappointed, but still, you can see that I'm directing my thoughts in a negative direction.

Interesting post. Your sentiments reminded me of an old song from the 90's called "A Pessimist Is Never Disappointed". Good tune!

We all have our crazy thoughts and rituals, to a greater or lesser degree.

I guess it's a fine line between being "normally irrational" (I think most of us are a little neurotic) and being OCD!


I can relate to this too!

I always worry that if I think of something bad happening that it will happen.

I very rarely have nothing to worry about but if that happens I worry because I'm not worrying!

It's a vicious circle....


Well-known member
I've been feeling very calm and relaxed in the past few days! :) I made an effort not to think and worry about anything and it has worked. But only because I don't have the immediate pressure of having to seek a job. I'm doing nothing at the moment except going to my psychiatrist. As soon as I have to seek a job I will feel totally miserable again.