Advise Pls?


New member
I just discovered this website in the late hours of last night out of desperation and was surprised how much i can relate to everyone...i was diagnosed two years ago with social phobia and depression and have been on and off antidepressants (took myself off although the anxiety was better on them, i became so numb and freaked out and that made the depression worse) so my doctor then put me onto a sedative antidepressant (which made me want to kill myself) and am currently off all meds at the moment....ok so i found that antidepressants don't work for me but i just want to know if there is something else out there that will calm me down when im anxous but not alter my personality, ive tried talking to my doctor about it but he just looks at me like im some junkie thats looking to score some xanax or something...i need help...if anyone has had a similar experience or have any advice it is welcome and would be greatly desperate!


Well-known member
It seems like you just need a new doctor! Anti-depressants had an awful effect on me as well (SSRI's). Make a list of the meds he tested you on, their doses, and try and note what you experienced with each. Take it to the next doctor. Benzodiazepines are a very common choice but please take caution not to stay on it for too long (if it helps!). There are soooo many drugs out there it's really tricky to get it right the first time. We're all unique!