Advice, kinda.


Okay, this some advice to people who are getting bullied at this moment. I'm 24 and I was bullied by my best friend (at the time) and cousin for many years. It's nothing about how to handle being bullied it's about the future.

Don't let it drag you down. What I mean is don't let your hate consume you. I've lived many years, over 10 years of hating them. It has done nothing for me. I still really hate them (when I think of them) and because it has been so many years I am unable to let go. All I think about when I think of my school bullies is, this is your fault I'm like this. They'd known me since I was a baby, they knew exactly what to say to me that would make me want to die.

I know this sounds so easy, I honestly know it's not. The only thing you can do is be, whatever. Show no emotion. I don't mean be a stone. I mean if they say, you're ugly. Just say, uh huh. Nothing will make a bully lose interest faster than someone who gives them no reaction.

This will probably mean nothing to you, but I just thought I'd tell you stuff I wished I could tell my past self. At the end of the day you wont have to see them years down the line, so don't let them beat you down.

I really admire kids of today (the nice ones). With all this knife crime now, it takes such strength to make it as a teenager in todays world.

Hopefully someone will understand what I'm trying to get at.