Added someone on Facebook that I didn't want to..


Well-known member
I was browsing on Facebook on my phone, when I came across someone I've seen around but don't know, and I accidentally added them. I panicked, went back to their profile and it said Friend req sent. But there was an undo button and I undid it luckily.

But does that person get any sort of notification that I've sent a friend req and then undid it? Because when I tried searching for that person, the account address is broken which suggests they've d/c the account or blocked me?



Well-known member
Ahh, the joys of Facebook! I've done that before. I'm so glad I'm off that stupid networking site. It really brings out the immaturity in people. I wouldn't be surprised if he/she did block you. If you "must" find out, create a fake profile and check the link again.

Correction: I recently added another account. But, it's strictly for getting information/sharing on mental health. Not for social networking.
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Facebook does send an email to alert someone about a friend request, if you removed it immediately chances are he/she didn't see it on FB but he/she might still receive the email.