

Well-known member
I'm tired of these damn zits...they're such a confidence killer! I put on my nice watch and a nice shirt and I check myself if the mirror and I have like a cluster of 5 zits on my face!!! I tried washing my face with just water but that didn't seem to change I finally got some cream and just put it on...I hope it works...Anyone else suffer from acne? How did you get rid of it?


Active member
you gotta find the right sort of cream cause 95% of those offered have no effect at all.
I found one that helped me a lot, after a week most of the zits were gone.


Well-known member
ezrider said:
you gotta find the right sort of cream cause 95% of those offered have no effect at all.
I found one that helped me a lot, after a week most of the zits were gone.

Wow a week sounds really fast.

I remember they did a study and chocolate had no effect on whether you get zits or not.

I might just be seeing what I want to see but the redness around my chin looks like its starting to clear up. I do have one new zit on my jaw bone but I suspect I must have missed a few spots. Lets see where I am in a week :)


Well-known member
Have you tried salicylic acid? That works pretty well, it worked for me anyway :D


Well-known member
Emma said:
Have you tried salicylic acid? That works pretty well, it worked for me anyway :D

I have Clean & Clear 10% benzoyl peroxide. It says put a small amount over the effected area 1-3 times a day so I've been globbing it on 30-40 times a day :lol: If this stuff doesn't work by the time the tube is gone I'll try salicylic acid. How bad did you have acne Emma? How long did it take you to get rid of it?


Well-known member
I didn't have it that bad, but it was just enough to annoy me and make me feel crappier, I didn't really do anything for a long time, but I bought this new stuff and it worked in a few weeks, I also got this clean&clear speed clearing gel, that works well as well....and it's going to sound really awful, but everyone used to go on about how great my sisters skin was, but now she has bad skin and I don't, so there's another reason to try it!!!! :D


Well-known member
Emma said:
I didn't have it that bad, but it was just enough to annoy me and make me feel crappier, I didn't really do anything for a long time, but I bought this new stuff and it worked in a few weeks, I also got this clean&clear speed clearing gel, that works well as well....and it's going to sound really awful, but everyone used to go on about how great my sisters skin was, but now she has bad skin and I don't, so there's another reason to try it!!!! :D

Yeah zits are horrible things. How can you feel confident when you have a big red volcano on your nose? :lol: Having to shave over a zit is the worst! The tiny amount of facial hair tends to cover up small blemishes and when you shave over a zit it gets really red and sometimes you just shave it off and have a bloody red face :lol: Gross!

If you got it then flaunt it Emma! :wink:


Take it from someone who had horrible acne.

Now i can say im a hottie and the ladies want me lmao.
But anyways , i suggest you try drinking nothing BUT water do your best to stay away from greasy food, i use Clyndamycin phosphate as a lotion to keep my skin balanced, so its not to dry nor to oily.

Try using Dan Kern's regimen i highly recommend it.

You don't have to buy his products but he does tell you what products are similar to his that would def. help you my friend.

Good luck!
Oh yeah and try not to think about your acne, also i can't say how much i stress this.




i've been using the birth control patch for about 3 months and my acne has cleared up a lot. unfortunately that isn't an option for guys, but it makes me think that the hormonal treatments that come with pills and face cream might work better than just creams.


Well-known member
Re: hormones

NYOrdeal said:
Take it from someone who had horrible acne.

Now i can say im a hottie and the ladies want me lmao.
But anyways , i suggest you try drinking nothing BUT water do your best to stay away from greasy food, i use Clyndamycin phosphate as a lotion to keep my skin balanced, so its not to dry nor to oily.

Try using Dan Kern's regimen i highly recommend it.

You don't have to buy his products but he does tell you what products are similar to his that would def. help you my friend.

Good luck!
Oh yeah and try not to think about your acne, also i can't say how much i stress this.


Oh yeah I hear ya....the girls can hardly keep their hands off me as it is :lol: I already drink pretty much just water and try and stay away from things that are just crap to eat.

A member of this boardkindly sent me a message opening me eyes (thanks again) and I selfishly kept that websit to myself...sorry.

I haven't touched any zits at all on my face so far 8)

alabanzai said:
i've been using the birth control patch for about 3 months and my acne has cleared up a lot. unfortunately that isn't an option for guys, but it makes me think that the hormonal treatments that come with pills and face cream might work better than just creams.

Yeah my mom already wonders whats going on with me without finding birth control patches in my pockets :lol: (it sounds like something from a tv show "well I couldn't find any condoms so I bought some patches instead" :lol: )

Yeah I didn't get an acne until I was 17 or so. Before then I had clear skin. My brother is 15 and has lots of acne so I guess it isn't all genetics or whatever.

I haven't had any break outs in the last few days so I think I'm making progress :)


Well-known member
Believe it or not, but for years I've been using vodka!

All you got to do, is dab some in cotton wool and apply over the affected area overnight. Its very good for drying up spots, and a miniature bottle is much cheaper than the endless lotions, creams etc.

Can't say I'm fond of drinking the stuff now...


Well-known member
Thelema said:
ezrider said:
you gotta find the right sort of cream cause 95% of those offered have no effect at all.
I found one that helped me a lot, after a week most of the zits were gone.

Wow a week sounds really fast.

I remember they did a study and chocolate had no effect on whether you get zits or not.

I might just be seeing what I want to see but the redness around my chin looks like its starting to clear up. I do have one new zit on my jaw bone but I suspect I must have missed a few spots. Lets see where I am in a week :)

U shouldn't rule out the link between diet and acne. Lots of people would say that after eating chocolate or greasy or sugary foods for that matter, their skin would become worse. For me, too much sugar and chocolates aggravate my skin. So the reality is the diet-acne link affects some people, but not others. You should pay attention to how your skin reacts after you consume those "baddies".

Also, anything with benzol peroxide is the most effective in killing p acne bacteria related to zits and reduces inflamation, and salicylc acid doesn't kill bacteria but exfoliates your skin and so is good for blocked pores but not actual inflamation.

10% benzol peroxide isn't necessarily better than 2.5%, it is just more likely to cause irritation, and red scaly skin. spot treat with benzol if possible, and if u do smear over large areas, remember to put oil free moisturiser over the area after it dries.

Don't try to overwash and use harse cleansers because they strip ur skin and u produce more oil which makes it worse. Harsh cleansers have made my skin red and peeling, which improved after i only wash with water. Cleansers aren't really effective as all that potent ingredients for fighting acne get washed away in seconds anyway, its best to go for gentle soap free cleanser and then use acne treatments that u leave on the skin.

don't go overboard with loading stuff on when u first start with something, try a bit at first and then up the dosage, especially with benzol peroxide products.

Hope this helps a bit :)
My bf doesn't give a shit about the state of my skin. People who are ur real friends and who really care about u don't care about acne.


Well-known member
Theres a new product out called, "Zeno". It's this little machine that applies a dose of direct heat on pimples and kills the bacteria that causes acne. It's like 90% effective. I don't know if they just have it in the U.S. but I'm sure you could find it on the internet and buy it. It's a little expensive though.