

New member
I left my ex of 15 years , 2 years ago but moved into my caravan next door about 1 year ago. He had his daughter and 2 sons move into the house 2 months ago and I watched him beat the crap out of her today. In front of his other 2 grand daughters. I was disgusted with the violence but still talked to him tonight, I hate it but they are my only family. I really like being on my own but crave company without having to put in, I tried to stick up for her by pulling him away but felt so useless. If I speak out I lose the only family I have left


Well-known member
So lose them. While I understand speaking out can be hard, you are still acting very selfishly, and lazily.
You have people in serious mortal danger, and two kids who are going to be feeling the effects of this type of behaviour very seriously for the rest of their lives, and you do nothing because it suits you.

I'm not sure what country you're in, but in the UK, Australia and the U.S, Do you realise you can actually be charged as an accomplice to the abuse because you did not report it? You are not just allowing it to happen, but enabling it. You can go to jail for this, its that serious.

Go and speak to the police, or someone who can take action. The process might even give you a little bit of courage and strength yourself.

Your apparent lack of those things is not an excuse to allow this to happen - legally OR morally. You are not useless, you have the ability to report the issue, you are CHOOSING not to act.


You want to know how I got these scars?
ask yourself, 'how will my kids feel when they grow up asking, why didnt mum put a stop to the violence when she knew it was going on? why did she allow it to continue?'.
A good parent will put the needs of their children ahead of their own. That includes you feeling lonely.
I have to wonder though, you separate from your ex, but then move in right next door?
I mean..seriously?
Call the cops on this useless dirt bag. I have no use for a man that hits a woman, except to use him as a punching bag :cool:
I can't comprehend how a woman can allow a girl to have "the crap beaten out of her" and not do anything to prevent it from happening to her again.:idontknow:
Put yourself in her situation for a minute and think, wouldn't you want another adult to help save you from being beaten if you knew they knew what was being done to you!?
As Lilly said, you can be charged for being an accomplice to the abuse if you do not report it.