About the comfort zone

What do u guys do to get out of this famous comfort zone? Of course its definition s different for everyone.It s a little bit gamble i think, to try to get out of it, so i need to hear advices experiences about getting out of this famous comfort zone...
Well, it doesn't have to be too dramatic. Lets say that if you were someone that doesn't come out of your room at all, taking a walk in the park can be considered being out your comfort zone.

To get out of your comfort zone you have to identify what being out of your comfort zone means for you, like you said, this is highly personal. When you know what it is (again, it doesn't have to be dramatic) then make strict plans to get out of your comfort zone daily, or if you're not ready for that, weekly (or multiple times per week).

The trick is to make a solid plan where you're out of your comfort zone, but aren't too anxious so you freak out.

Take small, steady, positive steps. :3


Active member
I work full time in an office. Every single day I go there I'm completely out of my comfort zone. Yes, its horrible, but when I go home I'm always half-glad that I got through another day and with time all this exposure to so many people will eventually help me get over my problems. There's nothing better (and worse) than being pushed in at the deep end.


Well-known member
Your comfort zone is anyplace or situation you feel comfortable in. So long as you remain in your comfort zone, you are not growing as a person. Now you don't have to suffer from social anxiety to have a comfort zone, many people have comfort zones they stay in even without this disorder.

I personally try to challenge my comfort zone on a regular basis as every time I manage to get out of it, I know I am growing. Most of the time this will not feel good when you first begin to do it, but the more you do, the better the results you achieve become.

Say now you are not comfortable walking into a crowded room, set yourself the challenge to find a crowded area and to walk through it and to keep as calm as possible, the moment you have done it once, the easier it becomes to do it again.

The more you are able to do this in various scenarios, the more confident you become and you begin to grow. It is always uncomfortable and threatening in the beginning, but the more you grow the easier it gets.

Well, that's my take on it anyway, so lets all get uncomfortable and grow!:rolleyes:


Well-known member
You've already received good feedback but I thought I'd be another voice. Define what your comfort zone is and venture out a little bit each day. If it's your room, take your laptop to the kitchen and hang out there for an hour (or whatever). If it's your house, sit on the front steps with some headphones and enjoy some music. Be gentle with yourself but bear in mind you won't be free without pushing. Over time this comfort zone should expand.