aaahhhh winter


Well-known member
I must admit,i do enjoy the winter months ^_^ a little snow wouldnt go a miss.

[EDIT] Totaly misread what you put(im half asleep) no i dont get more anxious in the winter,i get less actualy.


Well-known member
I like our winters they are milder than most - i hate summer, they are more extreme.


Well-known member
I love winter, I don't feel like such a freak for being indoors so much. Plus it means the neighbours aren't constantly outside chatting or having a barbecue.

I don't know why but I don't like sunny days, I find them too hot to enjoy. I'm always puzzled by people who go around saying 'what a nice/beautiful/stunning day' etc when it's sunny. Everyone else seems to enjoy sunny days, it's like a given, but yet again I seem to be the odd one out!

Of course I never tell people I don't like sunny days, just like I don't tell people I hate Christmas. Geez, so many secrets for one person!


Well-known member
Great_Expectations said:
Anyone else get more anxiety in the winter?

For me my anxiety is less in the winter, i think its because i know when i go out that there is less people around, the nights get darker quicker and there is more people spending time at home than just me.

I also like the fact that i can go for a drive and enjoy the wilderness on my own unlike in the Summer when every where is always so busy.


Well-known member
I love the winter. I love snow. Hate to shovel it. We actually just got an inch of snow last nite. We are supposed to get atleast 6 more tomorrow night.


Well-known member
For me my anxiety is less in the winter, i think its because i know when i go out that there is less people around, the nights get darker quicker and there is more people spending time at home than just me.

thats exactly the reason i like winter.
altho when summer comes you get that "ahh" feeling. it reminds me of my childhood (which was generally good). But its like everyone is happy. you're reminded that everyone is out there, happy and socialising, while you're stuck inside most of the time.
the mood in winter kind of reflects your own mood and dat makes me feel comfortable because everyone else is probably feeling da same, even if aint for da same reasons, lol.


Well-known member
The dark nights get me down a bit...especially if the weathers crap & rainy. But mostly I like winter...I like the cold & having to wear a lot of clothes..I like that you can stay in the house & eat loads of comforting food and not feel guilty if the weathers aweful...& I like going walking when its dry...which I don't like in the summer because I get too hot & there are flies.
i feel better in the summer bc so many things are going on keeps my mind off anxiety. I face my anxiety alot better in the summer. In the winter im trapped in my house alone and see nobody. Then i get use to being alone:(


Well-known member
I acually perfer winter, I guess it because I have an excuse for staying inside and it gets darker faster which I like. And I hate wearing summer clothes, I perfer to be covered up and wearing layers LOL