

Well-known member
it sounds like u might have a little of OCD, but it sounds even more like Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I'm not a psychologist or anything, but I'm a psych/sociology major in college, plus i do a lot of reading about this stuff. I have OCD, mostly Pure O OCD, but I do have some compulsions.

With OCD, the compulsions are not pleasurable and those who suffer from OCD do not want to perform the compulsions at all, but are forced to because impending doom, fear, and anxiety come strong if they don't perform the compulsion. For me, my compulsions could be knocking on wood to get rid of a jinx, and I used to wash my hands when i felt guilty, causing my hands to become very dry. Most often, though, my compulsion is to justify or explain my obsessions, which causes up to 20 hours a day of cycles of very unpleasant thoughts and obsessions.

That being said, I have a lot of the same things you are talking about. I worry about my belongings, especially expensive ones, becoming broken or damaged and obsess about the consequences. I get very anxious if something doesn't work right or has a glitch and I impatient to the degree where I sacrifice a lot to ensure that something will happen right away. These things can apply to anything. As for video games, I don't really obsess about glitches, but I get very anxious by cheat codes. If my brothers use cheat codes on one of my games, I worry obsessively that they will taint the entire game. I also worry about my collections, most notably my DVD collection and rarely let anyone watch my DVDs because I'm afraid somebody will misplace it or even just forget to put it away.

It sounds like you have these quirks a lot more than I do, and yet I have been diagnosed with OCD. This could mean that you are just a picky person, or you could have Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, which is more what it sounds like. Where people with OCD are forced by unexplanable compulsions to perform their habits out of fear, people with OCPD do it because they enjoy the organization and perfection of the compulsions.

Sigmund Freud said that OCPD is caused by a fixation during the anal stage of psychosexual development. According to Freud, people with OCPD were never fully satisfied during the time when they were potty-trained and became fixated on the messiness and uncleanliness of bowel movements, and made up for it by developing a need for perfection and organization to the extreme, thus OCPD.

If you have strict extreme beliefs in morals, an absolute dire need for perfection and organization, I would definitely read up on OCPD. It is treatable via therapy, which is not a shameful route at all. I see a therapist for my OCD and it helps A LOT.

Wikipedia has a decent article on it: