AAAA a net friend/potential girlfriend wants to meet me HELP


This girl I’ve been talking to on the net wants to meet up, its obviase for both of us that we both want a partner and relationship. But what do I do I can’t even talk to girls I’ve known for years without going BRIGHT RED and finding some stupid excuse to end the conversation in the first 5 seconds (no exaggerating) of the conversation.

So what do I do I mean I’ve wanted a girlfriend for as long as I can remember I’m 20 now by the way and I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity like this but on the other hand as soon as I meat her she’s going to know I’m a shy insecure freak. On top of that I’m not the best conversations at the best of times and I’m not sure I could keep a conversation going (long tense silences = bright red face)

We haven’t decide when or where yet but I have a feeling she may say a local pub local to here (I’ll have to drive) so no drink 4 me.

Any advice any one, please help


Well-known member
The best and simplest thing is to let her honestly know that you blush and you have a hard time keeping a conversation sometimes. She'll appreciate the honesty and you'll feel much better and less pressure


Well-known member
I'd consider alprazolam (it's some benzodiazepine) in your situation (but certainly no driving then - you could take a taxi maybe, I don't know what's the distance).

It actually decreases the anxiety, but it's prescribed, so you'd need to go to some doctor, maybe even the family doctor, for it.

It's my opinion - it'd be the easiest way.

Cheers :)