A word of advice on "herbal" remedies


Alot, if not most, herbal remedies carry the label "this is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure disease." The reason behind this is they havent been scientifically proven to help or the results are so minute that they arent even detected.
The world is a bag of chemicals contained in many things, but think about it from a "natural" standpoint. Alot of the herbal stuff out on the market, humans have never consumed in history, and with good reason because they did nothing when consumed.
Now I know what your going to say, aprinin found in some bark was used by Indians to treat aching teeth and it is now mass produced and used all over the world. This is exactly my point, if something is found to work it gets studied, distilled from the original source, mass produced, and distributed to market. Scientists know how Asprin works, and actually made synthetic pain killers, with a slightly different chemicial structure, like Ibuprofen, that are more effective and have less side effects. Same with caffeine, except there is no synthetic variant I am aware of.
Alot of prescribed medications are "natural" but are either synthesized, altered, or concentrated. Penicyllin is completely natural, it comes from moldy bread. So theoretically if someone wanted to, they could sell moldy bread as a "natural" cure for some bacterial infections. But it wouldnt be as effective because, it is not as concentrated, contains other substances that might be harmful "ie a live mould", and isnt attached to a delivery device like a protein, that is able to prevent the destruction of pencillin by stomach acids. Same can be said about Botox.
All I am trying to say is if a substance is found to work, the economy/science/medicine generally takes full advantage of it. It doesnt remain a secret cure, that only sells in vitamin stores and carries a label that basically says it doesnt work.
Just because a substance is "natural" doesnt mean its safe. Arsenic, Lead, and Chlorine, to name a few, are completely natural and extremely deadly. Each one was also used and purified by man as an instrument of death, because they were found to work.
Taking too much of "natural" remedy can also be dangerous too. Taking too much vitamins leads to iron poisoning, as the body cant expel iron through the urine, only through blood letting (bleeding). This is a common problem for Sickle Cell Anemia patients who receive blood transfusions, too much iron in the blood destroys the liver. Some will even interact w/ other medications and like "St. Johns Wort" (a popular natural cure for depression but found to be ineffective for Major Depression in a multimillion dollar study conducted by the NIH) can cause deadly drug interactions when taken with an MAOI.
My point is if something is found to treat a disorder it is studied, purified, and altered to work better.
But if you find some natural remedy that is working for you and isnt deteriorating your health or money, go ahead and keep taking it. It doesnt hurt try.
Excuse my spelling, I am in a hurry to get back to studying.