A Very Simple Technique

Hi. I'd like to share a method that I believe will be of great help to at least some of you. Why not all of you? Nothing resonates with everyone, and some of you will reject this recommendation outright. Fair enough. But for those of you open to it, try doing the following. Say this: I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Say it silently, to yourself, say it as often as possible and as close to all the time as you're able to manage. What is it? It's a technique known as ho'oponopono (sometimes spelled ho oponopono, hooponopono, etc.). I'd guess some of you have already heard of it. Perhaps not. In any event, engaging the ho'oponopono technique will lead to two outcomes: a quick sense of peace and calm; and, when done regularly, overall life circumstances that are ideal to the individual. Ideal life circumstances? By repeating a phrase? That's ridiculous. As I said before, fair enough. I'm not trying to convince or convert anyone. All I ask is that for those of you who find ho'oponopono to be of help, please share what you learn with as many people as you can.

'I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.' That's all there is to it.

Here's a site that offers more info for anyone who's interested: Ho'oponopono - Ho oponopono - Hooponopono - A Tool For Life


I Need Help - God Help Me - A Method For Help