A teaching to cure anxiety.


New member
There is a teaching which has the power to releive you from the grip of anxiety. Eckhart Tolle is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. In his teaching, he conveys a simple yet profound message with the timeless and uncomplicated clarity of the ancient spiritual masters: there is a way out of suffering and into peace.

Here are some wounderful videos:


Offical Website:

From personal experience, I'm all too well farmiliar with social anxiety and the separation and sadness it causes. It finally drove me to a point where something 'broke' inside me and I started to overcome it. Not untill I read his book "A New Earth" & "The Power of Now" did I realize what accually occured.
Presently I have no anxiety in any situation I find myself in, which in comparison to the past would be absolutely impossible. Within a matter of months life turned from hell to completely liberating and helpful.

If you already recognize you have racing thoughts that don't stop, and most are out of your control, that's one of the biggest steps.

I hope this touches some of you therefore you may also experience peace in your life.


Active member
Thanks for this awesome post! I totally relate here. I'm having trouble with the self-inflicted suffering part. I mean, i try SOO hard and i am still stuck with the ghosts from the past that make everything hard to see positively and let's face it --- people mess with you for a one up and whatever they are trying to do -- and I kind of feel most people are for themselves primarily - hey, animal nature