A tale of warning


Active member
I wanted to share whats happened to me recently with my medication, in case other people go through what i have gone through.

For about a month i have been on the medication Venlaflaxine on 75mg dose.

At the end of the month i decided it wasn't for me and i came off them, in a stupid, STUPID way.

I'm was very naive, i mean i know people coming off drugs have withdrawals and that, but it didn't enter my mind about what would happen to me if i just came off them, straight off the bat.

DON'T EVER DO THIS!, there's a reason why the leaflet says go to your doctor.

But to be honest my doctor didn't tell me anything, all i learnt is because i researched it myself.

For the last week I've going through the worst sickness I've EVER experienced, and i'm still not full recovered.

The first three/ four days were the worst. The constant nausea and vomiting was horrible, it never left. Sleep was non-existent and at one point i ended up in A and E.

I still can't fully function, things like drinking and eating... and moving makes me nauseous.

If you ever decide to come off anything, please, please go and see your doctor.

You do not want to go through this, it's absolutely awful. Some times i couldn't even breathe.

So that's all i wanted to say, i just wanted to warn people.

Doctors are way too flippant when passing out medication and don't give enough medication, they just assume you know this stuff.

I doubt i'll even take a paracetamol again.