A question about GEDs and dropping out of highschool


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Okay, I am going to be a junior in high school next year and am seriously considering dropping out and getting my diploma through courses from a community college. I am currently taking a summer Calculus course through this college so that I won't have to take hard math during the school year (I have ADD too and math is hard to concentrate on and understand in a big class), and I haven't found the course to be that difficult. The other students are all in college and some have actually talked to me. I have asked questions during class which is something I've never done.

Has anyone dropped out of high school and gotten a GED instead? Pros/cons? Thanks.


Well-known member
Right up my alley.

I dropped out and it has brought me nothing, but crap. Don't do it. Once you start giving in to SA and other crap, it doesn't end.


Lose touch with your friends
ENDLESS boredom
People think less of you
You feel guilty because you dropped out and lost all your friends and people think less of you

I'm sure there's more if I thought about it for a while.

There aren't any good things that come from dropping out in the long run.

I can't tell you how much its a mistake to drop out. DON'T DO IT! YOU'LL BE REGRETTING IT FOR YEARS!


I'm serious...it isn't worth it. I know from first hand experience


Yeah I dropped out of school in 10th grade. It does kind of make you lose touch with friends, but it only weeds out those who are not "really" your friend at all. Hopefully you have a few good friends who will not judge you like the people Thelema was talking about. I finished my last 3 years of school through homeschool in the year that I would otherwise have been a sophomore in high school. I certainly have found out who my true friends are and I'm glad for that. I wasn't able to dontinue through college after dropping out of 3 out of 4 semesters. The SA was just too much. The fact was that I didn't have a good group of friends that is so crucial in the college environment. The only people I knew were drug addicts and they only moved me in the wrong direction.... Anyways, just do what you feel that you want to do. Follow your gut on this one, but whatever you decide, give it your all. I'm still going to school online and I'll have a job that I can work from home in 8 months :).



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Thank you all. It's still just an idea, I might go through junior year in high school and see how it goes. If I really hate it, I can always switch to community college for senior year. :)


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If you can ask questions in class why would you drop out? i couldn't ask questions in class or talk to people, every lunch time i would sit on the floor in the hall by myself and i got through it one day at a time. What im trying to sugest is if you can ask questions in class i think you can get through it. Just don't care what anyone thinks and think that when you graduate you'll never have to see these people again. This is just my opinion and i have no idea what your SA is like, so don't get offended or anything. My sister is taking her GED now and it messed up her life pretty bad. But its probably different cercomstances.
I started taking community college math classes at 14, stopped going to regular school at 15, dropped out officially at 16, had my ged diploma a couple of months later and my A.S. degree in programming at 18, first programming job at 19. If it wasn't for social anxiety disorder I could have had a good career and a good education. To me high school and an associate in arts degree just seemed like a waste of time. But looking back I was young and had lots of time to waste hehe. There's nothing wrong with getting a ged, college degrees are really what matters these days.


Yeah theres really no difference between a ged or high school diploma these days. Just as long as your SAT scores are high, you can go to college pretty much wherever you want.



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4seasons said:
If you can ask questions in class why would you drop out? i couldn't ask questions in class or talk to people, every lunch time i would sit on the floor in the hall by myself and i got through it one day at a time. What im trying to sugest is if you can ask questions in class i think you can get through it. Just don't care what anyone thinks and think that when you graduate you'll never have to see these people again. This is just my opinion and i have no idea what your SA is like, so don't get offended or anything. My sister is taking her GED now and it messed up her life pretty bad. But its probably different cercomstances.

Only recently in the college course I'm taking now. In high school I never asked a single question, never talked in class, slouched down in my seat and doodled. Kids asked in front of the whole class things like "what's your problem? why are you so quiet?" etc. Now, most of my friends have all begun drinking and smoking pot multiple times a week, and so I've lost them and making new friends will be impossible. Guys tend to respect me but girls are really mean.


Eh just join ur friends and get baked every now and then. It will help you in two ways: you'll relax while you're smokin the ganja, and you'll have to socialize in order to get ganja at good prices. I don't usually recommend becoming a pothead, but in this case it might prove therapeutic. Lol...At least in theory....



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I am 20. I am a GED recipient, a high school dropout. I dropped out because I hated the high school... This was almost entirely because of my Social Phobia, shyness, and anxiety issues.

It's a sticky situation really. I look back, and a lot of my problems were caused because I was too scared to socialize with people who I deemed "bad," because I was taught to never drink/smoke, etc, etc.

It's tough because I always obeyed my mother, and any elder in my life. I took their word as gospel, their words as "correct." It turned me into a complete anti-socialite, because very few of us are that way. Most people in high school are the complete opposite. I was scared into believing that I'd end up in hell if I became like "them." This scared me into isolation, and eventually I withdrew from school; not because of bad grades (I had a 3.8 GPA) but because I was afraid of being wrong.

I look back; and I like the person I am. I enjoy being "clean-cut" and not a "young whippersnapper." On the other hand, I am anti-social, I've attempted suicide a number of times, and I don't like where my life is taking me.

Know this... Do what YOU feel is right. Don't let it be your parent's word, your priest's, your Bible's... Let if be your gut instinct that either makes your life fantastic or horrible.

Good luck
I got a GED and am proud of it. I know that people say when you have a GED its harder to get in college and it doesn't have the valute that a diploma has. But I am glad that I finished. I bounced around so many schools because of my SA. I even had a panic attack on the graduation floor. But i am glad i got through it. Now its getting into college.


Well-known member
loserinamailbox said:
4seasons said:
If you can ask questions in class why would you drop out? i couldn't ask questions in class or talk to people, every lunch time i would sit on the floor in the hall by myself and i got through it one day at a time. What im trying to sugest is if you can ask questions in class i think you can get through it. Just don't care what anyone thinks and think that when you graduate you'll never have to see these people again. This is just my opinion and i have no idea what your SA is like, so don't get offended or anything. My sister is taking her GED now and it messed up her life pretty bad. But its probably different cercomstances.

Only recently in the college course I'm taking now. In high school I never asked a single question, never talked in class, slouched down in my seat and doodled. Kids asked in front of the whole class things like "what's your problem? why are you so quiet?" etc. Now, most of my friends have all begun drinking and smoking pot multiple times a week, and so I've lost them and making new friends will be impossible. Guys tend to respect me but girls are really mean.

You don't have to give up your friends because they do drugs and drink. It's really no big deal to tell them that you don't want to do that or be around them when they do and they'll respect that. Unless its against your religion or something. Perfect friends are hard to find.

Girls could be threatened because they see you as cuter than them or smarter.


Well-known member
I hated HS in 9th and 10th grade. It gets so much easier in 11th and 12th- as far as feeling more comfortable in the environment. I found that my classmates matured a bit more during those years. The comments about not talking, etc., are still there but not as frequent or hurtful as they are in 9th/10th grade. I would stick with it.


Active member
I really hope it gets easier. Because I'm absolutely terrified of going back to HS next year.

I don't belong to a religion, but I have this big problem with drugs/drinking that I can't back or even understand where it came from. I'm very stubborn and refuse to give into the social conformation.


Well-known member
loserinamailbox said:
I really hope it gets easier. Because I'm absolutely terrified of going back to HS next year.

I don't belong to a religion, but I have this big problem with drugs/drinking that I can't back or even understand where it came from. I'm very stubborn and refuse to give into the social conformation.

I'm the same way and don't want anything like that near me. I'm the same way with smoking too. I never got any of my friends to stop just because I didn't like it. All you can do is not do it yourself.


Active member
Thelema said:
I'm the same way and don't want anything like that near me. I'm the same way with smoking too. I never got any of my friends to stop just because I didn't like it. All you can do is not do it yourself.

Thank you, you have given me some strength.