A life of hell after ETS


I have suffered from HH since the day I was born. I came out sweaty and have stayed that way. I am now 26 (and a girl!). Originally, I only had HH effecting my hands and feet. But, in Dec 2002, I had a ETS (removal of the T2 ganglia). Since then, I have been diagnosed with Raynaulds, put on a lot of weight despite exercise and healthy diet, my feet still sweat but they are also now always cold. But the worst of it is I now have horrendous sweating on my torso (front and back), groin area, and legs. So my life is hell.
I am servely depressed about it as it is debilitating in terms fo self esteem, socialising - forget a relationship, buying clothes that will hide the sweat and the list goes on...but I know many ofyou understand.
I am going back to the surgeon (vascular surgeon) who did the origianl op to see if there is any hope for my future. My biggest concern is htat there is nothing to do as I know the body needs to have a temperature regulation method and sweating is just that.
I also have gustatory sweating which is a major side effect of ETS.
If i had known back then what i know now, and am having to tolerate - I NEVER would have had the op.
I cannot tell you how many times I have cried myself to sleep jsut thinking about my current state, let alone my future. Every year it jsut seems to get worse and worse.

Thanks for reading my rant...if only people understood the condition and then tried to understand what it means to live with it. I hope you all are having a happier time with it.


New member
Response to Jabinda

I had ETS back in 1997 and I know exactly what you are going through. It was the early Spring when I had my procedure and I didn't notice the CS until I was working one warm day and felt my trunk start sweating. The sweat of course then started on my butt and I realized I had a problem. It hasn't gotten any better and I have been very unhappy. The CS was the first problem, and then I noticed I couldn't get my heart rate up to where it used to be without really working hard (i was very athletic prior to surgery). I went to my surgeon and I was pretty angry but under control. I asked him what was wrong with me and he tried to say it wasn't the surgery and that he had never heard of anyone with these side affects. He wanted me to get a pacemaker - I don't think so. I was only 26 years old, I wasn't going to get a pacemaker. I found that I was tired easy, and I lack energy. Lately, the last couple of years, I have developed gustatory sweating too. I can't eat spicey food, high sugary food, and other combinations I am still trying to figure out, without sweating profusely from the face. I am very susceptible to heat and cold problems too - especially heat exhaustion. My head feels like it is going to burst into flames on a hot day - it is scary. The worst thing is that I know I will probably die much earlier because of my decision to have ETS and I am very depressed daily. I try to shake it off, but it isn't possible.

I know how everyone is doing, and I feel for all of us.