A Great Excersise.


Well-known member
Gone....you just proved what danfalc said about microscopes to be very true. and im woundering why you have gone to bed thinking about my conversations if it really does mean fuck all to you and you think im fulla shit? hmmm...think i got you thinking abit, good! thats what a conversation is supposed to do!

and if you took some time...the laughing in the office thing was about the suicide thread arguement....not your disorders you idiot. put the microscopes down!!!!

to be honest the miserable people were most likely miserable before i wrote anything...and from their posts they keep themselves in a state of misery.

i dont care if you dont like me mate, i really dont. i have no opinion on you.....just dont care lol

character disorder...............it dont exist mate, or did you mean personality disorder? no ive been screened. im 100% healthy. sorry.

theres a reaosn why they say you cant help everyone. and thats because you can only help those willing to help themselves.

dont pick this apart. dont waste your time. dont try and work me out...because someone like you cant. in my world anything is possible, and it dont sound to me thats a world your familair with. if one day im in a world where i feel sorry for myself and hate on people who have never said anything personally to me...then we will be on the same level. but id never stoop to that.


Well-known member
Nikki, I think people are jealous that in your world anything is possible.

Instead of taking Nikki's positivity and pissing on it, I would advise if you don't like it don't read it and if you can absorb some of it, good.

Fairy xxx


Well-known member
23. Does/did poorly in school with attendance, grades, attitudes, and relationships with teachers. Was in conflict with parents over school performance.

that whole thing could relate to anyone!!! number 23 is any typical kid at some point in their school lives!! haha! out of 85 differnent criterea im sure ull have one or two as well mate! like all of us would!!

plus its from a christian organization!! im not gonna go into the politics of organized religion and the hidden agenda beneath the words of that site, because if you didnt realise when you read it, your not goint to listen to me anyways.

this ent science mate. its bible bashing.

biggest heap of shit ive ever read.


Well-known member
Lea, I glanced over this irrelevant rubbish you posted , it means NOTHING in regards to this dicussion.

You are already partly responsible for such a severe personal attack on another member of this forum, they no longer wish to take part.

You need to apply your "Christian values", to yourself.

Do you think that Nikki, or anyone for that matter should listen to your personal, selfish and immature guidlines regarding character.

I would NEVER accuse someone of having these disorders, you need some help with your self esteem.

You REALLY disgust me, a woman of your age really ought to stop picking on vunerable teenagers, and dismissing the veiws of confident young people.

Peace xxx


This was not a personal attack on Marie and I never did a personal attack on anyone - you wouldn´t believe it but for me everyone is equal - deep inside and I really mean it, it is no cliche. What I mind is the people´s behaviour. Sometimes I have enough - I don´t mean now particulary you (and of course not everything thats there doesn´t apply to you, but probably a lot), but there are lot of people like this: imagine you are trying to be good to someone and be responsible, fair, keep your promises etc., but they don´t respect these values and throw them back into your face. Like my recent employers. They never keep what they say, you can´t believe them anything, I don´t know if they are so irresponsible or doing it on purpose. They are totally unscurpulous, are not ashamed to not pay you your wages or pay the wrong amounts. You are worrying about doing things right, go into great lenghts about it, be nice to them, but on the contrary they don´t give a shit about anything, for example its common they make you travel through half the country for a meeting, and when you turn up, they are just not there and don´t even bother to apologise. And worse things. So it´s no wonder I feel fed up and had to post the thread about character disorders because I´ve met so many people like this in my life. When I was younger, I was more optimistic, but now I´m losing hope because I see that its everywhere the same. And it is not bad to criticise it, everyone who was badly treated has a right to do it, he even should do it. I am not an aggresive critical person, just desperate.
Fairy you say I hurt others, its not fair because Im not, now you are hurting me because you DON´T KNOW, and probably even don´t want to.
Sometimes I might be saying not nice things, but Im taking great care before saying anything, to be sure that its true, not just shooting arbitrarily from the hip. I myself also accept criticism when I see that the person is doing it conscientiously, has investigated before and tries to understand me before criticising. But when someone just criticises without trying to find out, without respecting the person for what he is inside - thats not fair.


Well-known member
let me get this straight, the people who havent been paying you right etc fall under this catogory.....and this is your assumption on why i also fall under this catagory??? ermmm what??? where is the link between your employer and me...bit fucked up that is. and u say you only say what u feel is true...you dont know me well enough to go through that list and tick my name next to it! plus from the website author its safe to say character disorders dont exist, because its a christian site. aka character disorder means sinner. not mental problem?
hmmm.....this hole thing is quite weird if you ask me. tad creepy also.


lovemylas said:
Wow, TALK about microscopic sentence warfare up in here?! Sheez!

I agree also it is good someone is trying to spread positive thoughts here at SPW. However, most people who visit our site are chemically imbalanced to think that nothing in life has any color to it. I think we should all just sit down somewhere quiet and gobble more Cadbury chocolate.

I actualy didnt mean for it to sound quite as offensive as it did lol 8O .And am chemicaly imbalanced myself so i know how hard it is and frequently get caught up in being negative and just feeling sorry for myself .Personaly then it helps speaking to other people who arnt as quite colour blind as us even more so.

But the Chocolate idea was the best yet :idea: *munches a cadbury's creme egg*


Well-known member
Lea, I am VERY confused about your last post, what your employer has to do with this thread I don't know nor care.

If you think you can suggest other people have character disorders and that does not hurt people, then I am even more confused. Everything you have said regarding other people could leveled back at you. I think this just transferance.

I agree Danfalc, crack open the Cadburys!

Peace xxx


What have my employers to do with you.. I think it is that you don´t respect any values and don´t feel the need to take something in, get challenged. You are always the best and the smartest so you feel you don´t need it. Whatever anybody says, it gets thrown back on him, you don´t absorb anything from what is being said. Others have to respect the values, but it doesn´t apply to you. You are even so convinced in your superiority that you keep boasting with being a professional psychologist but you should rather step back and have a little reflection. See if you are really that good yourself to be able to do it. Because if you lack this ability, you can´t be a good psychologist.
The page is christian, but I didn´t choose it for this reason. I just was seeking "character disorder" in google and there are many other sites about it, but this listing seemed to be most appropriate, that´s all. So not because its christian. I am not christian myself neither have any other religion. I rather think churches and cults brainwash people more than making them "good".
Anyway some of religious people can be very generous based on their belief and that´s what i admire, what is bad is when it makes people hateful against other religions or unbelievers.
I don´t know whom I did offend or why they left the site because of me, I am aware of having said words like idiot etc., but that wasn´t really meant so. After all, Marie is calling people idiots all the time and that´s OK.


And about not having the right to judge - I know its tricky and I don´t think I am judging, all I want to is to be friendly with people, but sometimes it is not possible because some people have this impenetrable strong wall of ego (or how you want to call it) that you can´t get onto them without getting on this ego first....


Well-known member
Lea, you are talking about hurting peoples feelings, and not wanting to do so, yet you admit calling people "idiots", yet you didn't really mean it. How are people to know whether you mean it or not when you call people names?

As for judgeing Nikki's choice of profession, and diagnosing a character disorder, my feeling is that IS judgemental.

I do have Christain beliefs, and I cannot understand why you would quote a Christian based wesite as any type of relevance to this discussion, even more so if you don't share thoses beliefs.

Do you not recognise how hurtful it is to suggest someone says the things they do, cites the things they believe in, and dismiss their views as a character disorder? You write you would not do this without investigation, how on earth are you investigating peoples emotions and beliefs?

I think this is something we will need to agree to differ on.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
yeh i agree with fairy, this ent worth talking about much further coz there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinion.


Well-known member
thanks for bein objective about it, that is respected.

marie knows best is a piss take i chose it coz everyones here thinks im fulla shit. lol

this is why im hot speaks for itself ;)

and im sorry if what i say comes across as rude, but to be honest people need a good kick up the arse! i know i do at times! theres no nice way of putting look either get out there or shut up moaning, coz its true, u do no favours to yourself by feeling sorry for yaself, and people dont do favours for u by feelings sorry for you. ive been through my own shit to know i had to learn the hard way and be left to get on with it, and i never look back. ill tell u my story of why i believe in what i say.

this is the short version, but i was serverly depressed and had cannabis psychosis, honest i would not say one word, i was like amute! paranoid, angery, scared avoidant, my hearing went bad, my mind was a bluir and i always had a headache, it got so bad people couldnt cope with me, my 3 best mates, after 9 months of trying with me, had to say cya later and let me sort myself out. i was very alone. very near giving up, and it was nasty how they done it too, it was at a sleep over thing which was so bad everyone was sent hom after coz the atmosphere was horrible! this was when i was 15 btw im 20 now. but ya know its hard, people tellin me i had changed and not in a good way, i completely 100% lost myself, and it was all my fault.
i spent some time sad...depressed. but after awhile i just got pissed off, i thought fuck them! i got myself sorted out, it werent easy, hardest thing in my life! my thoughts came back, my hearing returned to normal, i could actualy laugh again, i was amazing!. i made up with two of the girls, and turned em both against the other girl as sort of revenge. and im still mates with them two now, theyve cried and apolagised to me n that. i had a relapse when i started work, which lasted about 2 n half years. but again i got books, cds, made myself go out, and carry on like normal. i ent had a relapse now in about 10 months, and can say im 100% ok. not because people understood me, or felt sorry for me, or even gave me the best advice in the world, but by reminding myself of who i am and what im about and not being a victim.

i ent tryin to justify anything, im just saying some of you dont reavlise even ive been through shit and ive never had it easy, never. i just dont compain about it.


Well-known member
So to all those people that critisise the respect I have for Nikki, say she does not understand etc - humble pie all round.

Peace xxx