A Google Earth Experience


Well-known member
So I went browsing around on Google Earth the way I like to sometimes. This time I was just focusing on my own town's area. I was thinking about lakes at this particular moment, and seeing what bodies of water are near that I didn't previously know about.

Apparently there's a pretty huge lake that exists right outside the city limits.
I didn't even know about it, is it private land or something?

Then I started getting to look at how much huge empty areas of trees and pure countryside there is around these parts. And I looked at what a great piece of land somebody owns and how lucky they are to just step outside and breathe ... no congestion, no crowds and masses of people, just fresh air, mostly quiet, animal noises, wind blowing..

I then remembered where I live, and moved the cursor to the center of the city... I live in a tiny square.

This experience goes to show that what I feel is true.

I AM stuck in a tiny box which is crowded with people.

Is this human? Isn't the animal in me just disgusted? I will claim to be human and civilized, but this day in day out homage to crowding is giving me socialphobia!


Well-known member
Oh thank goodness I know who you are. I love when I see baby steps moving to the direction of familiarity


Well-known member
I went on Google Satellite and did this around my area then went into my street; I zoomed close to my house and can see my sister and her ex in the garden

This image came all the way from space; you cant leave your own home these days without privacy being invaded


Well-known member
here's my house from google's satellite:


thank goodness for trees