A Few Thoughts and a Question

Hey, I've got palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis and have had it as long as I can remember, although I think it got a lot worse during/after puberty. It's always struck me as odd but I don't think about it all that much, except when touching other people. Strangely I'm the only one in my family with it.

What strikes me as odd about it is that it seems to affect people in cold climates just as much (if not more) than those in hotter climates, when it is actually there for the primary reason to cool you off. Maybe because those with it in hotter climates would die off due to loss of water. :?

Another thought about it is that is linked to the sympathetic nervous system, which is why people seem to also have problems with blushing :oops: (which is also related to heat loss, strangely - think about it) and fear of heights i.e. fight or flight, and pupil dilation (mine get really big during the night). I know in my life I have had issues with these things but I never let them control me - I am a relatively social person who's not too shy and I like to challenge myself in things such as jumping off high cliffs into water.

Another thought is that, for me anyway, it seems to come and go for no apparent reason. Of course it is exacerbated by heat and nervousness but other than that it seems to be random. I have noticed that excessive alcohol consumption seems to decrease it (at the time of drunkenness, I'm not recommending it as a treatment :lol: .), as well as exersize (perhaps the sweat is redistributed?) and salt water (as you might expect).

My last thought would be that you shouldn't let anything get in the way of living your life. If you can remedy the problem, do so. If you can't, don't worry, that's life. make the most of everything, it's all about perspective. And for those of you who feel a slave to negativity, remember that only you can create negative feelings for yourself and only you can change them. God bless.:)

Sorry for the wall of text, now to the question:

I'm thinking of going down the anticholinergic path, ie. ditropan or robinul.
Now I want a consensus, do these actually work? what are some side affects? and what else is better in your opinion?



Im considering robinul. Cant get any better then simply taking a pill lol. Id like to hear peoples thoughts on it too.

About the salt water thing, you saying just putting salt in water and drinking that will decrease your sweating a bit?


I take robinul and i think it helps out alot. It def. helps decrease the chances of sweating especially all over the body. I now do ionto for my hands and put drysol on them at night and that seems to dry them out pretty well. I took robinul for a while and then tried stoping it. When i stopped, 6 months later my sweating was worse. I didn't even realize till later how much it actually helped. Def try getting a perscription for robinul.
s13_ said:
Im considering robinul. Cant get any better then simply taking a pill lol. Id like to hear peoples thoughts on it too.

About the salt water thing, you saying just putting salt in water and drinking that will decrease your sweating a bit?

Should have made that more clear - swimming in salt water decreases my hyperhidrosis for a while afterwards. Definitely DO NOT drink salty water. Sorry for the misuderstanding. :wink: