A crush that almost crushed me, lol


New member
This is a rant, I want to get things off my heavy chest. Been a long time since I came to the forums. Anyways, the last semester was hell at my college. First of all I don't talk to anyone in classes and out of nowhere at the beginning of last semester this girl came up and talked to me. She was really nice and friendly. Anyways, I sorta fell for her as the semester went on. It was really stupid because I told her and she rejected and I tried again, lol. That was even worse, getting rejected twice. I'm not even going to mention the details since they are so excruciatingly painful! My point is that it sucks being so sensitive, I fell for a girl that didn't even give a **** about me. I still feel useless and like an idiot. I just made a fool of myself... ::(:


Well-known member
I agree that it sucks to get rejected, but you never made a fool of yourself and should be proud that you gave it a try. You know what they say, you will never know until you have tried. You should rather see it as a very positive step and not allow the rejection to be the center of your focus but rather that you were willing to try, well done and better luck next time, just don't let this stop you from trying again.


Well-known member
Man, that does suck. I know how you feel. I wish there was some way around situations like these, but intense pain is the price that we pay for being sensitive. A lot of people say "you shouldn't take it so hard" -- but then, they don't feel as much, so why listen to them? It helps me to write about it or to play music, because usually other people just don't care or think that it's cute at some level.


Well-known member
You were the one who asked her. Try to see it is as a positive thing. You had the courage to do that. Unfortunately we dont get what we want each time but next time maybe the other girl you like you, will like you back. We cant force people to like us, but you took the chance with this girl and you should be proud of that. That she didnt have feelings for you, does not either make you or her a bad person and that certainly does not mean you are not loveable for a lot of other girls. I know it is hard, but if you can try to think about that it was you who asked you, you did that.


Well-known member
That happened to me more times than I would ever want to admit...even to myself!

I suppose the only advice I can give you is: though this is very, very painful (and believe me, I know), you can't let it destroy you. Just keep at it!