A Big Request for the Mods

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This is probably asking too much and i'm ashamed to even ask.

Things ive posted on here are ruining my relationship with the guy i was hoping to spend my life with. It hurts so much seeing him so upset over things ive posted here. I love him so much and don't want to lose him so decided i'm gonna delete everything i posted here and start afresh. He's probably gonna see this and hate me but i can't leave everything here and watch us fall apart. I want a new start.

What i'm asking is can mods delete all the threads ive started? I can take care of posts myself. Even if i could get privileges to delete my own threads rather than just edit them if thats possible. I understand if its too much but i'd really appreciate the help. :-(


Staff member
Some of the threads you startted are stickies and some many replies. We can delete threads with ten or less replies I should think. You should PM in future
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