Just want to say a big warm hello to everyone, Ive only just recently discovered this site.And reading all the posts on here has actually cheered me up. As before i felt like i was the only person in the world to have sp.As everyone else seems to have been brave and openly discussed there problems seems only right that i do the same.
well ill spare you the life story and cut to the facts
Im practicaly housebound but as i live on my own i have to pay the bills and all that sort of stuff, so im forced to go out which actually makes me worse
I cant stand being around anyone (including family)for more than like a minute.
I get alot of the symptoms ive heard everyone else talk about in the posts
(cant hold eye contact,blush,feel like everyone is looking at me ect.)
Basicaly i have the full works
Ive had sp from when i was about 17 (maybe earlier) and im 19 now nearly 20 so roughly 3 years.
*wipes forhead* phew okay thats me done thx for listening
well ill spare you the life story and cut to the facts
Im practicaly housebound but as i live on my own i have to pay the bills and all that sort of stuff, so im forced to go out which actually makes me worse
I cant stand being around anyone (including family)for more than like a minute.
I get alot of the symptoms ive heard everyone else talk about in the posts
(cant hold eye contact,blush,feel like everyone is looking at me ect.)
Basicaly i have the full works
*wipes forhead* phew okay thats me done thx for listening