99 cent store has kava kava, herbal anti-anxiety tablets


Well-known member
You guys should do some research on it, Kava Kava gives you that serene feeling and helps you sleep. It is pretty much like xanax, except this stuff tightens your lips and mouth a bit which is good for me, because It numbs it and I don't want to fret. I took 4 or 5 tonight, for the first time, I want to see it's effects on me. I wonder how much would be equivalent to 1.5 mg of xanax. I hope to sleep good tonight.


Well-known member
I read up on it online, specially on wikipedia.com

I have to tell you, the reported effects makes me want to try this thing. But it seems that it's banned in N.A and EU...so I guess ordering online is the only way to go. How did you get yours ?

The only side effect and the major side effect is it's negative impact on the liver. The reason why it's banned.

But still, I'd like to try it.

Please report back on your experience.