My grandad has died. I'm so upset. I can't believe I will never ever see him again. He did think I hated him and the family because I never used to visit them, so they stopped trying to contact me and never sent me a birthday card etc. the last time I saw him was about a year ago down town and he gave me his number to ring him.I always said to myself I will go and visit them soon but put it off. I never did go because I didn't want them to know what a loser I was, not working, and I wouldn't have known what to say etc. Argh all because of sa.
Thanks for listening all. It helps to say my feelings.
Does it get any better. No close person to me has died before. The world feels more empty.
Thanks for listening all. It helps to say my feelings.
Does it get any better. No close person to me has died before. The world feels more empty.