<3 today <3


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Today was the last day of the year at school, and some teachers were leaving..
One of them was my old english teacher and form tutor, who had been the first one to realise that i had a serious problem, more than just being quiet, and hed helped me through year 9..even though he hadnt had much to do with me this year (year 10)
but anyway, i was pretty close to him..in the sense that he was the only teacher i could talk to about my problems so i was upset that he was leaving. So i got him a bottle of wine..blah blah
anyway, he took me out of class to talk to me and told me that i was an amazing person, with a brilliant personailty, and was extremely talented. I musnt allow my problems to take control of me because if i did it would be an awful waste because i could achieve so much. I have a talent at making people like me and i should use that. There is nothing good about being so shy because it is only me that loses out so i have to continue to push myself and hes going to come back next summer for the school play, and he'll see how im doing then.

I posted this because he made me feel so good..i dont take compliments well and he reduced me to tears, but i felt really encouraged.
The same goes for all of you out there. You all have those talents, and those personalities. Its just a case of bieng able to show them, and if you dont its such a waste.
love fred


Well-known member
Fredscarecrow said:
I musnt allow my problems to take control of me. There is nothing good about being so shy because it is only me that loses out

I like those two lines they make total sense :)

Iam glad to hear you had someone to help you and recognise it when they did :) i often wonder if maybe i had gotten control of it earlier then i may have had a better chance.


Well-known member
What a nice post. You're very lucky to have found a tutor like that, I had a supportive teach at primary school (yep, SP even back then) but I became so reclused at secondary school no-one could help me. No one I tell you! :twisted:

Plus its cool you feel comfy with someone (esp of authority) enough to do that; I mean I have no idea how I would approach such a simple situation as offering someone a present like that and saying quite a formal 'goodbye' type thingy-ma-jiggy.


Fred.. what a great post! And am very happy to hear you ended school of in such a nice way :) I hope you enjoy your vacation time! :)

hummm "... i often wonder if maybe i had gotten control of it earlier then i may have had a better chance." That's interesting Scottish_Player, I'm wondering the opposite :( *maybe I think tooo much, tomorrow may be different*


Well-known member
Awesome! I once had an English teacher tell me "Quite frankly, I think you were the best writer in the class" and also that I "was an unique personality".. It feels good!


Well-known member
awwww, school days huh? My best school moment was when i wrote a poem, and my teacher got me maximum marks and wrote under it "This is beautiful..." :D Go bex


Well-known member
Isn't it interesting how we all love getting positive praise from tutors? I miss that about school, being at uni you don't ever get a pat on the back for a good project. And its no wonder, these lecturers gotta mark thousands of similar works. :p


Well-known member
my english teacher at school was BRILLIANT! it really helps having the right teacher doesn't it? My R.E. teacher was bloody scary tho :roll: I'd dread his lessons. At uni everythings very inpersonal, no one really knows ur name :( u just "blend in" with the masses hey?


Well-known member
For me the anonymity helps me feel confident, but I tend to stick out like a sore thumb (aesthetically) being in the minority in my class (of the 10% of girls that attend it!)

And what is it about english teachers? My own was so nice and creative and positive about my work, I only started to take a dislike to her when she made a comment about my shyness in front ofthe whole class. How humiliating. :lol: Ah, english teachers are cool.


Well-known member
id rather he didnt say "some day we'll end up working in som boring job", as i don't plan on doing that thank u. I like to think id aim higher


Well-known member
To be honest, I think the hardest workers at uni just shut up and get on with it, they don't shout or brag. I dunno, from my experiences it definitely isn't the loud arrogant types that get the best jobs, not in my field anway, maybe in a more business orientated career...?


Well-known member
Well I think what McShy said certainly wasn't meant to offend. Maybe you felt that what he said sounded like a fact rather than the opinion/jokey comment that it was?

Anyway, what is it about these english teachers that makes them so nice? :D

Damn, I've got the gerbils again.


Well-known member
My english teacher was just really sweet, he was irish and had a nice voice, and used to read Frankenstein out loud to us! He was real positive about my work and never made me feel bad that i was quiet :) Ur one sounds mean pointing out ur shyness to the class :oops: My RE teacher used to like2 embarassing ppl, what a knob!


Well-known member
:lol: Knob. I like that word.

I can't believe such a silly comment my teacher made has lasted with me all these years, if I told it to you ...its just so petty. Something about everyone feeling hot and asking for the window next to me to be kept open, teach says; tell us if you're feeling cold ok? Oh no wait, you wouldn't say anything even if you were freezing.

Bad teacher! But I forgive her, she was the only person to write the word 'intelligent' on my work. You're forgiven Mrs....ow I forgot her name. :lol:

Bexi you should've embarrassed your RE teach back perhaps, I dunno, threw peanuts at him.


Well-known member
Hi Fredscarecrow - i'm glad to hear of your wonderful experience with your teacher, all teachers should be like him. If they were it would make such a positive difference in this world.


Well-known member
mhmm. its just such a shame that hes left, becuase none of the others are like that. :cry:
I think english teahcers are nice becuase they judge you on your creativity, and they get to see your view on things, cos it comes out in your writing, and so they get to see a side of that ..for examply maths teachers never will.