3 Easy Ways to Stop Facial Sweating


Well-known member
Facial sweating can seem like one of the most difficult places on the body to treat. I should know, I suffered with it for a long time. It's the most noticeable form of excessive sweating and the situation can make you feel pretty helpless. Your face is right there, out in the open, dripping with uncontrollable perspiration and no matter how many times you dab it away with a handkerchief, those embarrassing beads of sweat pop back up again.

Listen, I know what it's like. I've been in your shoes. But, I'm happy to tell you that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. Relief is on the way with the 3 effective facial sweating treatments I'm about to reveal to you. So, pay attention because these little sweat solutions are going to stop the face faucets for good!

Before we get started though, I just want to emphasize that with any of these treatments, you want to always watch out for irritation on your face. Even though these treatments are gentle, everyone's body chemistry is different.

Also, as I'm sure you already know, you can't just roll a strong deodorant onto your face (yes, like a fool, I tried it once). You'd completely break out in a rash, hives, dry patches and who knows what else. Plus, having deodorant residue on your face isn't the most appealing look. For this reason, I've listed gentle, proven remedies below, that will start giving your results within minutes after application.
Let's start with the first treatment!

Witch Hazel - Witch hazel extract can be bought at most health food stores, drugstores or grocery stores. It's derived from the plant’s bark, twigs and leaves. I was totally unfamiliar with witch hazel when I first learned of this facial sweating remedy but let me tell you - it works wonders! Witch hazel has natural astringent properties so it gently dries the skin and also inhibits inflammation. It dries up oily skin, reduces the appearance of pores and acts as a natural antiperspirant for you face. You NEED to try this.

What I love most about witch hazel is how mild it is on the skin. I actually reduces redness because of its anti-inflammatory properties! Start with a thin application layer and fall in love with this natural remedy for facial sweating.

Aloe Vera Juice - This is a more watered down version of the popular aloe vera sold as a moisturizer. When applied to the skin, aloe vera has a nice cooling effect. This makes it particularly useful during warmer seasons like summer or spring. However, if your excessive sweating is triggered not by temperature but by hyperhidrosis (a condition of excessive sweating not matter what temperature it is), you may find your results to be more short term.

I suffered from hyperhidrosis which is why this treatment was just a bit less effective for me. That said, I've used aloe vera for my facial sweating before and I want to give you my completely honest review. Aloe vera works great as a temporary fix (prevents sweating for about 2 or 3 hours). My conclusion? If you have a hot date or an upcoming business meeting and you need to keep your complexion dry, aloe vera is a great quick fix.

Maxim Facial Wipes - Last but certainly not least is a sure fire winner. Maxim Facial Wipes are deodorant wipes made especially for facial sweating. Although, I'm not sure what chemicals inhibit the sweating, they act as a wonderful astringent for your face sweat and really keep you dry.

The wipes are made by a company in the UK. I'm sure you can find them online if you just search around a bit. Anyhow, try the natural treatments listed above first. They're cheaper, proven and don't require a dependency on a specific manufacturer. If they fail to do the job for you, it's time to give the Maxim Wipes a shot.


Well-known member
Facial sweating can seem like one of the most difficult places on the body to treat. I should know, I suffered with it for a long time. It's the most noticeable form of excessive sweating and the situation can make you feel pretty helpless. Your face is right there, out in the open, dripping with uncontrollable perspiration and no matter how many times you dab it away with a handkerchief, those embarrassing beads of sweat pop back up again.

Listen, I know what it's like. I've been in your shoes. But, I'm happy to tell you that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. Relief is on the way with the 3 effective facial sweating treatments I'm about to reveal to you. So, pay attention because these little sweat solutions are going to stop the face faucets for good!

Before we get started though, I just want to emphasize that with any of these treatments, you want to always watch out for irritation on your face. Even though these treatments are gentle, everyone's body chemistry is different.

Also, as I'm sure you already know, you can't just roll a strong deodorant onto your face (yes, like a fool, I tried it once). You'd completely break out in a rash, hives, dry patches and who knows what else. Plus, having deodorant residue on your face isn't the most appealing look. For this reason, I've listed gentle, proven remedies below, that will start giving your results within minutes after application.
Let's start with the first treatment!

Witch Hazel - Witch hazel extract can be bought at most health food stores, drugstores or grocery stores. It's derived from the plant’s bark, twigs and leaves. I was totally unfamiliar with witch hazel when I first learned of this facial sweating remedy but let me tell you - it works wonders! Witch hazel has natural astringent properties so it gently dries the skin and also inhibits inflammation. It dries up oily skin, reduces the appearance of pores and acts as a natural antiperspirant for you face. You NEED to try this.

What I love most about witch hazel is how mild it is on the skin. I actually reduces redness because of its anti-inflammatory properties! Start with a thin application layer and fall in love with this natural remedy for facial sweating.

Aloe Vera Juice - This is a more watered down version of the popular aloe vera sold as a moisturizer. When applied to the skin, aloe vera has a nice cooling effect. This makes it particularly useful during warmer seasons like summer or spring. However, if your excessive sweating is triggered not by temperature but by hyperhidrosis (a condition of excessive sweating not matter what temperature it is), you may find your results to be more short term.

I suffered from hyperhidrosis which is why this treatment was just a bit less effective for me. That said, I've used aloe vera for my facial sweating before and I want to give you my completely honest review. Aloe vera works great as a temporary fix (prevents sweating for about 2 or 3 hours). My conclusion? If you have a hot date or an upcoming business meeting and you need to keep your complexion dry, aloe vera is a great quick fix.

Maxim Facial Wipes - Last but certainly not least is a sure fire winner. Maxim Facial Wipes are deodorant wipes made especially for facial sweating. Although, I'm not sure what chemicals inhibit the sweating, they act as a wonderful astringent for your face sweat and really keep you dry.

The wipes are made by a company in the UK. I'm sure you can find them online if you just search around a bit. Anyhow, try the natural treatments listed above first. They're cheaper, proven and don't require a dependency on a specific manufacturer. If they fail to do the job for you, it's time to give the Maxim Wipes a shot.

Cheers! will try ;)

ps Cool name


Well-known member
I use meds for my cranio-facial blushing, but will try the lotions as a "quick fix"--both are easily obtained and could be carried with you.

The people who make Avert (pharmacy.ca) also do a facial wipe called Secure. Don't know if they're better or cheaper than the Maxim ones, but you'd think shipping would be cheaper.



Well-known member
Yeah, it seems nearly everyone else here suffers from armpit, hands, etc and not the face...so this is greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for the advice, I'll definitely have to check into it.


Hi Woofy talk,
I read your post with interest because although I have overall HH, severe facial/cranial sweating is by far the worst to deal with. It's so visible. Especially for some reason for a female. Have you tried secure wipes from pharmacy.ca? They completely dried me up and boy could I soak through anything.
Including full strength prescription antiperspirants (irritation and all), applied at night. Give them a try. For me, the big bonus is that it's pretty foolproof. Always works. Of course, I don't know how severe your problem is. Mine is pretty bad and this works for me.
Good luck with all you do.


Well-known member
I have tried secure wipes, thanks. :) They were a bit too strong for me when using over 2%. Maxim seemed to be enough for my facial sweating.

I know, as I'm sure you do, that hyperhidrosis comes in all different ranges. I'm fortunate enough not to be all the way on the most severe side of the spectrum.


Active member
Well I'll give the Maxim wipes a go straight away - where do you get them from? (I'm in the UK)


Well-known member
You can order them directly from Corad Health Care I have no affiliation with this site so I hope the link doesn't upset the moderators here. I just happen to order maxim wipes there. Maybe your drugstore will carry them but Corad is an easy way to get the product delivered.