24 points to think about.

1. You have far more in common with other people than you think. Do you not eat, sleep, breathe ? Do you not live on Earth and walk on the ground ? Do you not walk and talk ? Do you not have to urinate or defacate ? Will you not die one day ? People who call others weird and strange are fooling themselves into thinking they are more normal than others.

2. The part of the mind that focusses attention onto anything you want is used by every single person on the face of the Earth. If you want to focus your attention on perhaps a bird flying by, you place your attention into your visual sense and then you direct your attention onto the bird - your eyes just follow your attention. How can people say they are better than you and you are inferior when they all use this same ability ?

3. The social world is chiefly made from concepts. A person is a collection of quarks and gluons, protons and neutrons, atoms and molecules. These parts are put together to form a thing that is called a "person". Then the actions these people carry out are assigned more labels. Discard all labels and start breaking people down into the various parts and actions they carry out.

4. People love to say they are better than others because they do this or have that or they are more social than you. When this occurs you think they feel proud and are perhaps trying to make you feel worthless or lesser than them. This thought can cause you to feel shame around them. So what are these people without those things ? Is human worth based on possessions or acheivements ? Will not all this disappear one day ?

5. Just before you place your attention into a sense to allow the attention to focus on an object, that object does not exist for you. Turn your eyes from a person and very soon they disappear from your consciousness altogether.

6. If you are feel anxious of the unknown or unfamiliar situation, remember that the one thing that is most unpleasant at the time is the perhaps the most familiar thing to you...ANXIETY!

7. Realization of what is happening, what you are feeling or thinking or doing will help draw your attention away from painful feelings or situations. If you feel like eveybody is looking at you, realize that you are feeling this way.

8. The "intention" of others plays an important role into whether you feel relaxed or anxious, inferior or superior. Yes, the intention of others needs to be thought inside your own mind before a feeling will start. If you see a loving couple kissing, you may think they just want to exclude you and rub your nose in the fact that you have no romance in your life. You are thinking about an intention of another person and the intention that you think will create a feeling. Try thinking a different intention next time you feel anxious because of what others might do or have said.

9. Much like intention, thinking about what others are thinking or feeling is also a very important aspect of social anxiety and shyness.

10. Now matter how painful a situation is or feels it will be it always ends and a new day will start.

11. Do you sit and ponder about mistakes other people say or do ? If someone blushed would you want to avoid them or think terrible thoughts about them ? Most likely not. It is likely that others will do the same and NOT dwell on your blushing for more than a few seconds.

12. Most people go though life as if they were asleep, just percieving, thinking, feeling and doing things with no realization what they are doing or thinking or feeling or perceiving. Realization is an extremely powerful tool and allows choice. Realize you are caught up with your attention on an aspect about yourself you don't like, or that you are feeling shy or anxious and you present yourself with the ability to begin to change the feeling, the thought, the behaviour, and where your attention is focussed on.

13. Asking yourself questions is a great way to allow your mind to process things it never even considered. What am I really afraid of ? What if that happened ? How could I handle something if it did happen ? How well could I handle that ? What could this mean for my long term future ? Without questioning, the mind simply jumps to disastrous conclusions or simply reacts with anxiety because of the unkown or unpredictable in any given situation.

14. How many times have you anticipated a social situation to turn out bad and your fears came true ? If it is low, then have you considered that perhaps you could be wrong about most people in how they will react to you.

15. Having a shy and anxious temperament or a chemical brain imbalance does not limit you to robot-like compliance to your feelings and thoughts. Remember realization gives you choice. It's just what you do thats important. Do you give in to the feeling. Do you fight the feeling or do you avoid it ?

16. Social anxiety is purely a state of mind. Have you ever talked to someone and felt comfortable enough to be yourself ? Have you ever done this inside a dream ? If social anxiety is a state of mind what else in the human experience is a state of mind ? Isn't everything ?

17. Learn cbt and meta-ct. They work if you do them properly.

18. Attention-control works enormously for acute anxiety and self-consciousness.

19. Don't waste you time on wondering if social anxiety is caused by an chemical imbalance or chemcial makeup. It won't help you.

20. Mindfulness meditation will show you how reality is constructed. How thoughts and feelings make up most of your world. Then you can have some fun and play around with your own reality.

21. Discard every single concept you have ever learned. A book is not a book. Words are not words. A hot girl is not a hot girl. They are used to understand and make sense of the things we percieve. Once you look at something and understand what it is you have gone to far. You need to move back to the point to where you it has no meaning - the object is no-thing.

22. I believed all my life that when other people say or do "bad" things to me those things were the sole reason behind the hurt. Yet this turned out to be false. If I thought those people's intentions were to hurt I would feel they were better than me and heartless and I was worthless, uncared for, felt humiliated and sad. If I thought they were doing this because they were afraid of my rejection and were repsonding in the only way they knew the sadness and humilation would disappear and I didn't feel worthless or uncared for. I felt sorry for them and even wanted to help them. Why when an object falls on your foot you very rarely get angry at it or feel in a bad way ? Because you think it had no intention. That is how important intention is in the social world and how it causes emotional reaction. Re-think the intentions of others!

23. Pondering about how much I focussed on how much social anxiety I had realized I was avoiding the deeper issues. Anxiety was merely a sign something was wrong. I was afraid of people hurting my feelings through ignoring and mockery and that I was afraid of expressing this fear because it would be ignored or made fun of. Going on the internet explaining my social anxiety, how bad it was and how wide-range it was was a small outlet for explaing my fear of being hurt. Explaining to someone on the interent that I feared others will laugh at me if I said this or did that was not really the same as telling someone to their face that I feared they would not care about my feelings.

24. Social skills is all about getting caught up in the mood of the conversation. If you've ever found yourself caught up in a conversation and just forgot about all your worries and you had no trouble talking then you know what I mean.
Holy **** dude!

GREAT points - thanks for posting. This is definately helpful to me. Thank you so much for posting.

I just have 2 questions about 17 and 18. What is meta-ct and "attention-control"?

Definately saving this ;)
meta-ct is dealing with "thought about thoughts" and "thoughts about emotional feelings". Like people become afraid of their own anxiety or other painful feelings. Some people believe they are worthless but don't care about it and don't suffer around people while others with the same belief suffer great anxiety over it. Meta-cb will deal with that aspect of thinking as opposed to just uncovering negative beliefs and trying to change them with positive ones like cbt.

Attentional control is controlling where your attention flows onto. You see when you think something attention will just automatically flow onto the thought. In an episode of social anxiety the attention is drawn away from the environment and onto the negative images flowing through the mind. Images of faces looking disgusted or angry at you flash into the mind at lightning speed. These images are then pasted over people and taken as reality. Self consciousness is caused by images of the self performing badly or looking weak or pathetic and then you feel the way those images suggest. But the main point is that attention is not on the outside - it is focussed on the inside. Attentional control forces the attention off the images and onto the outside environment. It's basically a form of concentration. This is where realization comes to play. once you are inside your own head you can just realize you are and decide to focus on what the other person is saying or what is going on around you.
Hey - thanks again man. Keep sharing your "stuff" ;). Thx for explaining. By the way, how are you doing with dealing with your SA so far?


Active member
I think a lot of these points make a lot of sense. I'm really glad you posted this. It's very helpful!
I haven't looked into metacognative therapy yet, but I definately will. You know any books/sources about metacognitive therapy that you know?

I think I get the "attention control". The way I would word it is:

"Stay out of your head in reality, not inside your head in this little world you have created with your irratinal fears and unrealistic expectations. Concentrate on the outside, on reality, not the bull**** that your mind gives you" Right? Hope I make sense.

I'm really gonna try that metacognative therapy - I'm getting very hopeful that I can beat this. :) All with time, of course, even if it takes years... :)
Something that I'm planning on doing, is reading this at least once a day, to remind myself of it's powerful wisdom... and to get it embedded in my brain :)
Umm... I don't have the book in front of me but it is by someone Wells. It actually cost a fair bit but is available from Amazon.com but one bad point is has no section on social anxiety but you just need to apply the same principles and methods to it.
I have only dealt with the ones causing me serious problems like not being able to leave the house. I finally got over that and can go shopping and stuff like that. No probs. Personal and social life I haven't even bothered to deal with because I just don't care to be honest.
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