21/f/california... i wanna know u!


my name is marae, i'm from california...
have always been a follower and quit unhappy, never knew y...
doctors have been saying i have MAJOR DEPRESSION... but i knew it was more than that!

started researching myself and new i wasn't like everyone else... things were hard for me, and i quit things easily when challenged 2 my "max" especially when it comes down to SOCIALLY sticking up for myself or believing in myself...

social phobia was my first thought of what i had, then i read more and APD is for sure what i have.

i feel so alone because no one knew what i was going thru, and even psychologist never got me and just said i have depression... "well no duh! i'm lonely in a world where i feel inferior to everyone, even thought i'm fairly attractive and use to be athletic. but still never ever believed in myself and never could be outgoing, but o how i longed to be funny and perfect!''...

but anyways, i want to meet people MY AGE who go through this, i feel so abnormal compared to people i use to/and still go to school with...

:wink: and i'd like to meet some people if anyone is from california... but first please message me, email me @ [email protected] or AIM me @ funybuny0003


Well-known member
uh oh....Another female wanting to meet people. This thread should be at least 3 pages long by tommorrow. :lol: