2 helpful tips


Well-known member
What's up, fellow shy people, hangin' in there?

Wow. I'm living proof that YOU can overcome shyness. Even though it sounds like a TV ad, no - I'm not being paid to say that :). Seriously though, if I can start cracking my shell, so can you. But there's a catch - it's not easy.

1) Every single day from now on, do something that terrifies you.

That's right. If you want to break out, you're not going to do it in small increments. A lot of the time, shy people like you and me think that you can will your way out of it - like it's just going to happen like magic one day - without any effort! No wonder those exact people are still stuck in the same old rut! You're going to have to really face your fears, but if you do it willingly, they're going to lose most of their grip on you. Don't try to denounce or debunk this one unless you've tried it first - because trust me, it works!

2) Be yourself... No matter what.

A lot of the time, shy people are the ones that are trying to 'change' themselves in order to get rid of their shyness. But shyness works the opposite way than the mind usually believes - meaning you have to accept yourself to get rid of this problem, instead of trying to change yourself.

But there's a second part to this one - No compromise. You have to wear your mind on your sleeve - suppress nothing. Of course you don't have to become stubborn in this sense, just relax, and be YOU. Nobody but you. This should at least start giving you some confidence one you start displaying yourself publicly & socially , because nobody can be happy if all they ever do is try to live like someone else, or disguise themselves.

Alright, kids. That's all the time I have for now. Remember, if I can do it, so can you.